NCLHELP.HLB  —  Event Messages, event_dispatcher
 o  events lost

    Generated whenever the event dispatcher cannot allocate resources
    to queue more events for processing. The event-logging function
    guarantees that this event cannot be lost. Also, you cannot block
    this event unless all events for all modules are blocked.

    This event is placed at the end of the queue. If another event
    cannot be queued because of resource limitations while this event
    is still the last event in the queue, the number argument is
    updated to reflect the latest total of lost events.  Argument:

    number         Number of consecutive events lost.

 o  test requested

    Logged when the test directive is issued.

1  –  outbound_stream

 o  change confidence

    Generated each time the transport service detects a change in the
    connection's confidence value. (The confidence value indicates
    whether the Transport layer expects a transmit operation to
    succeed.) This event suggests a change in the connectivity
    between the outbound stream and the sink.   Argument:

    confidence      New transport confidence value.

    false           It is unlikely that a transmit operation would
                    succeed under the current circumstances.

    true            It is likely that a transmit operation would
                    succeed under the current circumstances.

 o  change filter

    Generated each time that the filter for a stream is changed,
    whether it is changed by a block, ignore, or pass command
    or by using set to change the value of the catch all filter
    characteristic. The initial values of the filters for a stream
    are reported as arguments in the enable stream event. A filter
    change event is filtered according to its new values.

    Arguments: (OpenVMS)

    new catch   Specifies the current catch all filter setting.
    all filter

    new global  Specifies the current global filter setting.

    new         Specifies the current specific filter setting.

    old catch   Specifies the previous catch all filter setting.
    all filter

    old global  Specifies the previous global filter setting.

    old         Specifies the previous specific filter setting.

 o  disable

    Generated each time an outbound stream is disabled by a disable

 o  disconnect

    Generated each time a connection is closed on an outbound stream.
    The disconnect can be caused by the event dispatcher closing
    idle connections, a management command, a network failure, a sink
    crash, or a sink disconnect.  Arguments:

    disconnect   Identifies the cause of the disconnect.
                 0   remote disconnect
                 2   shutdown requested (OpenVMS)
                 3   management directive

    reason       Session Control layer reason for the disconnect.

 o  enable

    Generated each time an outbound stream is enabled by an enable
    command.  Arguments:

    catch all   Value of the catch all filter when the stream is
    filter      enabled.

    global      Value of the global filter when the stream is
    filter      enabled.

    specific    Value of the specific filter when the stream is
    filter      enabled.

 o  events lost

    Generated whenever the outbound stream cannot allocate resources
    for event transmission. The event-logging function guarantees
    that this event cannot be lost. Also, you cannot block this event
    unless all events for all modules are blocked.

    This event is placed at the end of the queue. If another event
    cannot be queued because of resource limitations while this event
    is still the last event in the queue, the number argument is
    updated to reflect the latest total of lost events.  Argument:

    number      Number of consecutive events lost.

 o  shutdown

    Generated each time that a shutdown operation results in an
    orderly disconnect. You cannot block shutdown events for an
    outbound stream.


    reason      cancelled    The shutdown was "neutralized" by an
                             intervening disconnect; therefore, the
                             receiver should not shut down.

                disconnect   The shutdown was caused by the
                timer        disconnect timer.

                disable      The shutdown was caused by a disable
                directive    command that specified an orderly

                shutdown     The shutdown was caused by a shutdown
                directive    command.

2  –  relay_logging

 o  event relayed

    Generated whenever a Phase IV event is received. It relays the
    Phase IV event into the DECnet-Plus Event Logging Architecture.
    The entire DECnet NICE message is encapsulated into the NICE
    data argument.  Argument:

    NICE data      Phase IV event display

3  –  sink

 o  change filter

    Generated each time that the filter for a sink is changed,
    whether it is changed by a block, ignore, or pass command
    or by using set to change the value of the catch all filter
    characteristic. The intitial values of the filters for a sink
    may be reported as arguments in the enable sink event. A filter
    change event is filtered according to its new values.

    Arguments: (OpenVMS)

    new catch   Current catch all filter setting.
    all filter

    new global  Current global filter setting.

    new         Current specific filter setting.

    old catch   Previous catch all filter setting.
    all filter

    old global  Previous global filter setting.

    old         Previous specific filter setting.

 o  events lost

    Generated whenever the sink cannot allocate resources for event
    transmission. The event-logging function guarantees that this
    event cannot be lost. Also, you cannot block this event unless
    all events for all modules are blocked.

    This event is placed at the end of the queue. If another event
    cannot be queued because of resource limitations while this event
    is still the last event in the queue, the number argument is
    updated to reflect the latest total of lost events.   Argument:

    number      Number of consecutive events lost.

3.1  –  inbound_stream

 o  change confidence

    Generate when the underlying transport service detects that the
    connection's confidence variable has changed to the new value
    reported by the confidence parameter. This suggests a change in
    the connectivity between the outbound stream and the sink.

    confidence  Specifies the new transport confidence value.

    false       It is unlikely that a transmit operation would
                succeed under the current circumstances.

    true        It is likely that a transmit operation would
                succeed under the current circumstances.

 o  disconnect

    Generated each time the sink detects that an inbound stream
    connection has been closed. The disconnect can be caused by a
    management command, a sink disconnect, a network failure, or by
    receiving notice that the associated outbound stream entity has
    been shut down.  Arguments:

    disconnect  Identifies the cause of the disconnect.

    reason      Specifies the Session Control layer reason for the

    shutdown    Inbound stream disconnected because of a shutdown
    received    event.
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