NCLHELP.HLB  —  Directory Module, DSA  Subordinate Reference, Directives  DELETE
 Use this directive to delete a Subordinate Reference entity.



1  –  Errors

 The Delete directive returns one of the following errors:

 REASON:         Also a Naming Context
 DESCRIPTION:    The Naming Context entity of the same name
                 must be deleted first.

                 You cannot delete the Subordinate Reference
                 entity because it coexists with a Naming
                 Context entity. To delete the Subordinate
                 Reference entity first would leave the DIT
                 improperly structured.

 REASON:         Also a Shadow Naming Context
 DESCRIPTION:    The shadow Naming Context with the same name
                 must be removed first.

                 You cannot delete the Subordinate Reference
                 entity because it coexists with a shadow
                 Naming Context entity. You need to reconfigure
                 the supplier DSA for the shadow naming context
                 so that this DSA is no longer a consumer DSA for it.
                 Then initiate replication so that this DSA removes
                 its copy of the naming context. You can then remove
                 the Subordinate Reference entity. The response
                 identifies the name of the shadow naming context
                 and its master DSA.

 REASON:         Not Master
 DESCRIPTION:    Cannot delete a shadow Subordinate Reference.

                 The Subordinate Reference entity is a shadow
                 copy that has been created by replication.
                 The DSA does not own the entity and cannot
                 therefore delete it. You need to reconfigure
                 the supplier DSA so that this DSA is no longer
                 a consumer DSA for the specified naming context.
                 Then initiate replication so that this DSA removes
                 its copy of the Naming Context, including
                 the Subordinate Reference entity. The response
                 identifies the name of the shadow naming context
                 and its master DSA.

 REASON:         Has Subordinates
 DESCRIPTION:    The DSA holds entries or entities
                 subordinate to the entity being deleted.

                 The Subordinate Reference entity has
                 subordinates and therefore cannot be deleted.
                 You need to delete all subordinate entries
                 and entities first.

 REASON:         Alias Entry
 DESCRIPTION:    Alias entry prevents deletion.

                 The identifier you specified for the Subordinate
                 Reference entity is an alias name, not a
                 distinguished name. The DSA does not support the
                 use of alias names when deleting entities. The
                 response shows the name of the alias entry.

 REASON:         Wrong State
 DESCRIPTION:    The DSA entity is not in the correct state.

                 The DSA entity must be in state ON, ENABLING,
                 DISABLING or OFF when you delete a
                 Subordinate Reference entity.
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