
    Specifies the name of the function key that you want to define.
    Valid key names are as follows:

    Key Name     Keyboards           VT100-Type      VT52-Type

    PF1          PF1                 PF1             Blue
    PF2          PF2                 PF2             Red
    PF3          PF3                 PF3             Black
    PF4          PF4                 PF4
    KP0-KP9      Keypad 0-9          Keypad 0-9      Keypad 0-9
    PERIOD       Keypad period (.)   Keypad period
    COMMA        Keypad comma (,)    Keypad comma
    MINUS        Keypad minus (-)    Keypad minus
    Enter        Enter               Enter           Enter
    FIND         Find                -               -
    INSERT_HERE  Insert Here         -               -
    REMOVE       Remove              -               -
    SELECT       Select              -               -
    PREV_SCREEN  Prev Screen         -               -
                 Prev (LK401)
    NEXT_SCREEN  Next Screen         -               -
                 Next (LK401)
    HELP         Help                -               -
    DO           Do                  -               -
    F6-F20       F6-F20              -               -


    Specifies the command string that you want assigned to the
    function key. To preserve spaces and lowercase characters,
    enclose the string in quotation marks (" ").
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