HELPLIB.HLB  —  TCPIP Services, LPR_LPD, Remote Print Queues
    Your system manager can configure your system with LPR/LPD
    network services that allow you to use the DCL command PRINT
    to send print jobs to a print queue on a remote internet host.
    The remote host can be a UNIX system or another OpenVMS system
    running LPR/LPD.

    You print a local file at a printer on a remote host by
    specifying the remote queue name defined on your local host (see
    your system manager for queue names). LPD copies the file to the
    appropriate remote printer's spool directory. A copy of the file
    to be printed remains in the spooling queue until the printer is
    ready to print it.

    When you enter the DCL command PRINT to send a print job to a
    remote print queue, you use the /QUEUE qualifier to specify the
    queue name, plus any of the following qualifiers:

    /AFTER          /BACKUP        /BEFORE         /BY_OWNER
    /CONFIRM        /COPIES        /CREATED        /DELETE
    /EXCLUDE        /EXPIRED       /FORM           /HEADER
    /HOLD           /IDENTIFY      /JOB_COUNT      /MODIFIED
    /NAME           /NOTE          /OPERATOR       /PARAMETERS
    /PASSALL        /PRIORITY      /QUEUE          /SETUP
    /SINCE          /USER          /WIDTH

    Two of these qualifiers work differently with TCP/IP Services
    than they do in an OpenVMS environment without TCP/IP Services.
    These two qualifiers are:

    o  /FORM



       TCP/IP Services does not support layup definition files for
       print requests to remote print queues. A layup definition
       file sets up the layup features: borders, sheet margins,
       alternating margins, pages per sheet, first page, page
       order, and page grid.
Additional Information: explode extract

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