HELPLIB.HLB  —  System Services, $ICC CONNECT
    Establishes a connection to a remote application over an open

    On Alpha and Integrity server systems, this service accepts 64-
    bit addresses.


      SYS$ICC_CONNECT  ios_icc ,[astadr] ,[astprm] ,assoc_handle

                       ,conn_handle ,remote_assoc ,[remote_node]

                       ,[user_context] ,[conn_buf] ,[conn_buf_len]

                       ,[return_buf] ,[return_buf_len] ,[retlen_addr]


    C Prototype

      int sys$icc_connect  (struct _ios_icc *ios_icc, void

                           (*astadr)(__unknown_params), __int64

                           astprm, unsigned int assoc_handle,

                           unsigned int *conn_handle, void

                           *remote_assoc, void *remote_node, unsigned

                           int user_context, char *conn_buf, unsigned

                           int conn_buf_len, char *return_buf,

                           unsigned int return_buf_len, unsigned int

                           *retlen_addr, unsigned int flags);
Additional Information: explode extract
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