HELPLIB.HLB  —  Sys Parameters, NPAGERAD
    (Alpha and Integrity servers) NPAGERAD specifies the total number
    of bytes of nonpaged pool that will be allocated for Resource
    Affinity Domains (RADs) other than the base RAD. For platforms
    that have no RADs, NPAGERAD is ignored. Notice that NPAGEDYN
    specifies the total amount of nonpaged pool for all RADs.

    Also notice that the OpenVMS system might round the specified
    values higher to an even number of pages for each RAD, which
    prevents the base RAD from having too little nonpaged pool. For
    example, if the hardware is an AlphaServer GS160 with 4 RADs:

    NPAGEDYN = 6291456 bytes
    NPAGERAD = 2097152 bytes

    In this case, the OpenVMS system allocates a total of
    approximately 6,291,456 bytes of nonpaged pool. Of this amount,
    the system divides 2,097,152 bytes among the RADs that are not
    the base RAD. The system then assigns the remaining 4,194,304
    bytes to the base RAD.


       The system actually rounds up to an even number of pages
       on each RAD. In addition, the base RAD is never assigned a
       value less than the smaller of the value of NPAGEDYN and 4

    On AlphaServer GS series processors on OpenVMS systems prior to
    Version 7.3-1, system managers frequently saw pool expansion that
    increasing NPAGEDYN did not reduce. This problem was caused by
    leaving NPAGERAD at its default value of 0.

    Starting with OpenVMS Version 7.3-1, when NPAGERAD is 0 (the
    default), the system calculates a value to use for NPAGERAD with
    the following formula:

                      Base RAD memory
       NPAGEDYN * (1- --------------- )
                       Total memory

    This calculation gives more pool to the non-base RADs than before
    and, therefore, reduces the expansion of non-base RADs.

    NPAGERAD has the GEN attribute.
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