HELPLIB.HLB  —  Sys Parameters, NPAGEDYN
    NPAGEDYN sets the size of the nonpaged dynamic pool in bytes.
    This figure is rounded down to an integral number of pages.
    NPAGEDYN establishes the initial setting of the nonpaged pool
    size, but the pool size can be increased dynamically.

    To set a value for this parameter, use AUTOGEN initially, and
    then monitor the amount of space actually used with the DCL

    For the benefit of OpenVMS VAX systems with limited physical
    memory, AUTOGEN logs a warning message in its report if NPAGEDYN
    exceeds 10 percent of physical memory or if NPAGEVIR exceeds 33
    percent of physical memory.

    AUTOGEN also limits its own calculated value for NPAGEDYN to
    20 percent of physical memory and limits NPAGEVIR to 50 percent
    of physical memory. These calculated values are adequate for
    most workstations and systems with 16 or fewer megabytes of
    physical memory. If your system requires a larger value, you can
    override the AUTOGEN calculated values by setting higher values

    NPAGEDYN has AUTOGEN, FEEDBACK, GEN, and MAJOR attributes.
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