
    /START cannot be used with the /ABORT, /EXIT, or /RESTART

    Starts the server process.

    The optional keyword, AUTO, causes the server to startup and
    configure itself using the SYS$MANAGER:ACME$START.COM procedure.
    By default, the server starts with only the OpenVMS ACME agent
    configured. The following options are available:

    To change the default privileges:


    To change the default UIC:


    To change the default quotas:


    You can use the following alternate syntax to specify a list of
    quotas and their values:


    quota is a PQL-style quota name (for example: ASTLM, BIOLM)

    See the $CREPRC system service in the HP OpenVMS System Services
    Reference Manual for a list of PQL-style quota names and

    To change the image dump setting:

    /DUMP (default)

    Forces a process dump in the event of an abnormal process
    termination. The dump is written to SYS$MANAGER: using the image
    filename and .DMP extension.
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