The standard display lists the name, type, generation number, and
    status of each object. The expanded display, which you request
    by using the /FULL qualifier, includes the destination root
    directory and the product that owns the object.

    Each file and library module object has an associated generation
    number, either explicit or implied. A generation number is an
    integer value in which the largest value in a comparison of
    generation numbers denotes the object that supersedes the others.

    The product developer specifies generation numbers to aid PCSI in
    resolving conflict on installation when two or more products or
    patch kits supply the same object. An explicit or implicit value
    of zero means no generation information has been supplied. A tie
    of non-zero generation numbers means the objects are identical
    and that an object from a product kit should replace a previously
    installed object. If all generation numbers in a comparison are
    zero, the conflict cannot be resolved.

    Each object has an installation status. A status of "OK" means
    that the object is currently installed. A status of "Conflict"
    indicates that the object lost a generation comparison with an
    object of the same name supplied by another product or patch.
    This is not an error condition. "OK/Adopt" indicates that a
    product inherited the object from another product. This happens
    only when a product loses an object conflict to another product,
    and, subsequently, the other product is removed, causing the file
    or module on the system to be adopted by the surviving product.
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