/ASSIST (default)

    Directs the mount operation to allow operator or user
    intervention if the mount request fails.

    When you specify the /ASSIST qualifier, MOUNT notifies the user
    and certain classes of operator if a failure occurs during the
    mount operation. If a failure occurs, the operator or user can
    either abort the operation or correct the error condition to
    allow the operation to continue.

    The operator-assist messages are sent to all operator terminals
    that are enabled to receive messages; magnetic tape mount
    requests go to TAPE and DEVICE operators, and disk mount requests
    go to DISK and DEVICE operators. Thus, if you need operator
    assistance while mounting a disk device, a message is sent to
    DISK operators. See the description of the REPLY command for more
    information about enabling and disabling operator terminals.

    Any operator reply to a mount request is written to SYS$OUTPUT
    to be displayed on the user's terminal or written in a batch job

    If no operator terminal is enabled to receive and respond to
    a mount assist request, a message is displayed informing the
    user of the situation. If a volume is placed in the requested
    drive, no additional operator response is necessary. If the mount
    request originates from a batch job and no operator terminal
    is enabled to receive messages, the mount is aborted. See the
    OpenVMS System Messages: Companion Guide for Help Message Users
    for a description of the error messages and their suggested user

    The default is /ASSIST and can be overridden by /NOASSIST.


    The following command mounts an HSG80 Fibre Channel disk volume
    labeled DOC and assigns the logical name WORK. The /NOASSIST
    qualifier signals MOUNT that no operator intervention is

    %MOUNT-I-MOUNTED, DOC         mounted on _$1$DGA0: (NODE)
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