HELPLIB.HLB  —  LINK  /BPAGE  Qualifier Values

    An integer that specifies a page size as the power of 2 required
    to create a page that size. For example, to get an 8 KB page
    size, specify the value 13 because 2[13] equals 8K. The following
    table lists the page sizes supported by the linker with the

    Value   Size      Defaults

    9       512       Default value for VAX links when the /BPAGE
            bytes     qualifier is not specified.
    13      8 KB      Default value for VAX links when the /BPAGE
                      qualifier is specified without a value.
    14      16 KB     -
    15      32 KB     -
    16      64 KB     Default value for I64 and Alpha links when
                      /BPAGE is not specified or when the /BPAGE
                      qualifier is specified without a value.
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