HELPLIB.HLB  —  HELP  Parameters
  keyword ...

   Specifies one or more keywords that refer to the topic  or  subtopic
   on  which  you  want  information  from a HELP library.  Information
   within HELP libraries is arranged in  a  hierarchical  manner.   The
   levels are:

   1.  None---If you do not specify a keyword, HELP describes the  HELP
       command  and  lists  the  topics that are documented in the root
       library.  Each item in the list is a keyword in the first  level
       of the hierarchy.

   2.  Topic-name---If you specify a keyword by naming  a  topic,  HELP
       describes  the  topic  as  it  is  documented in either the root
       library or one of the other enabled default libraries.  Keywords
       for additional information available on this topic are listed.

   3.  Topic-name subtopic---If you  specify  a  subtopic  following  a
       topic, HELP provides a description of the specified subtopic.

   4.  @file-spec followed by any of the above---If you specify a  HELP
       library  to replace the current root library, HELP searches that
       library for a description of the topic  or  subtopic  specified.
       The  file  specification  must  take  the  same form as the file
       specification included  with  the  /LIBRARY  command  qualifier.
       However,  if  the  specified  library is an enabled user-defined
       default library, the file specification can  be  abbreviated  to
       any  unique  leading substring of that default library's logical
       name translation.

   If you use an asterisk in place of any  keyword,  the  HELP  command
   displays  all  information  available at the level that the asterisk
   replaces.  For example, HELP COPY * displays all the subtopics under
   the topic COPY.

   If you use an ellipsis immediately after any primary  keyword,  HELP
   displays  all  the  information  on  the  specified  topic  and  all
   subtopics of  that  topic.   For  example,  HELP  COPY...   displays
   information  on  the  COPY  topic  as well as information on all the
   subtopics under COPY.

   You can use percent signs and asterisks in the keyword  as  wildcard
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