HELPLIB.HLB  —  FDL Routines, FDL$CREATE  Description
    FDL$CREATE calls the FDL$PARSE routine to parse the FDL
    specification. The FDL specification can be in a file or a
    character string.

    of FDL
    SpecificatAdvantages         Disadvantages

    FDL       Variability; for   File must be in default directory.
    file      example, if the    Slower.
              regularly, you
              can revise the
              file without
              revising the
              calling program.
    Character You do not have    Program must be recoded to change
    string    to be concerned    FDL specification.
              with locating a
              Faster access.

    If the FDL specification is relatively simple and is not going
    to change, put the FDL specification in a character string as the
    fdl_desc argument to the call.

    FDL$CREATE opens (creates) the specified RMS file and then closes
    it without putting any data in it.

    FDL$CREATE does not create the output file if an error status is
    either returned or signaled.
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