{ DESCBC (default) }
       /DATA_ALGORITHM= { AESmmmkkk        }
                        {                  }

    Where mmm is the mode CBC, ECB, CFB, or OFB; and kkk is 128,
    192, or 256 bits. Cipher Block Chaining (CBC) and Electronic Code
    Book (ECB) are 16-byte block modes, meaning blocks are padded to
    16 bytes if necessary during encryption. The padding is removed
    during decryption. Cipher Feedback (CFB) and Output Feedback
    (OFB) are 8-bit character stream mode emulation, useful in data
    communications and where no padding is required.

    Note that /DATA_ALGORITM=AES is a shortcut for specifying

    The data algorithm is used with the randomly generated key to
    perform encryption of the file's data. When specifying an AES
    algorithm, specify both /KEY and /DATA=AESmmmkkk qualifiers and
    use an AES created key.
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