HELPLIB.HLB  —  DSR  DSR Commands, .LIST  Parameters

    With .LIST, specifies the number of blank lines to appear before
    each item. Each blank line can result in additional blank lines
    if the .SPACING setting is greater than 1. (See .SKIP n.)

    With .END LIST, behaves the same as n with .LIST, however, the
    blank lines appear after the final item in the current list.


    With .LIST, pushes the next line of list text to within n lines
    of the bottom of the current page by inserting blank lines. (See
    .SKIP -n and .BLANK -n.)

    With .END LIST, pushes the next line of current list text to
    within n lines of the bottom of the current page by inserting
    blank lines. (See .SKIP -n and .BLANK -n.)


    A character enclosed in quotation marks ("x") or apostrophes
    ('x') that you can specify to appear at the beginning of each
    list item.
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