Calculates a CRC checksum of all Integrity servers object bytes.

    The /OBJECT qualifier follows the ELF-64 object structure to
    include only the object bytes into the checksum. Invariant data,
    as the language processor version and the generation date, are

    Additional information is output to SYS$OUTPUT, including the

    o  The resulting full filename of the specified input file

    o  The checksums for the object sections, headers, and the
       overall object checksum

    The output checksum values are in hexadecimal notation. The
    result provided in the DCL symbol, CHECKSUM$CHECKSUM, is in
    hexadecimal notation.

    The /OBJECT qualifier implies the default file type of .OBJ. This
    qualifier also implies the default keyword values HEADERS and
    SECTIONS for the /SHOW qualifier.

    On Alpha platforms, it is only applicable with the /Integrity
    servers qualifier.
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