HELPLIB.HLB  —  TCPIP Services, Remote Commands, RLOGIN
    The RLOGIN (Remote Login) command connects your terminal to the
    remote host you specify and requests a login. If the remote host
    has an entry in its authentication files for your host and user
    name, it may bypass its login and password prompts.

    Note that you can also use TELNET to log in to remote internet

    End your remote login session in one of the following ways:

    o  Log out from the remote host.

    o  On a new line, enter the escape character and a period.

    The default escape character is a tilde ( ~ ). To set another
    escape character, use the /ESCAPE_CHARACTER qualifier on the
    RLOGIN command line.

1  –  Examples

    The following examples show how to use the RLOGIN command.

    1. The following command logs in to node CONDO:

       CONDO - Unauthorized access is prohibited
       Username: KING
       Password: (password not echoed)
          Welcome to OpenVMS (TM) Alpha Operating System, Version V7.3 on node CONDO
              Last interactive login on Thursday, 24-SEP-2001 15:20:29.60
                  Last non-interactive login on Wednesday, 23-SEP-2001 14:25:04.12

       $ RUN ...
       $ ~. (characters not echoed)

       %RLOGIN-S-LCLCLOSED, Local connection closed

    2. The following command logs in to host petrel and changes the
       character used to close the RLOGIN session:


       Last login: Mon Mar 14 18:34:27 from
       UNIX System petrel:  Fri Mar 19 11:02:20 EST 2002
       Mon Jun 28 18:44:42 EST 2002

       % ls ...
       % +. (characters not echoed)

       %RLOGIN-S-REMCLOSED, Remote connection closed
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