Stops the specified secondary processor or processors (and any
    associated vector processors). The /CPU qualifier is required.

    Applies only to OpenVMS multiprocessing systems. Requires CMKRNL
    (change mode to kernel) privilege.


      STOP/CPU  [cpu-id[,...]]

1  –  Parameter


    Specifies a decimal value representing the identity of a
    processor in an OpenVMS multiprocessing system. On an Alpha 7000
    system, the CPU ID is the backplane slot number of the processor.
    If you do not specify a CPU ID, the STOP/CPU command selects a
    processor in the current active set to stop.

2  –  Qualifiers

2.1    /ALL

    Stops all eligible secondary processors in the system's active

2.2    /ASSIGN

       /ASSIGN=option (Alpha/Integrity servers only)

    Assigns specified processors to the hard partition node after
    they are stopped.

    Option          Description

    $$HARD_         The configuration tree hard partition node. All
    PARTITION       instances running in the hard partition defined
                    by this node have visibility and access to CPUs
                    owned at this level.

    Supported only on AlphaServer systems that support partitioning.

2.3    /MIGRATE

       /MIGRATE (Alpha/Integrity servers only)

    Transfers ownership of the CPU from the current instance to
    another soft partition.

    Option          Description

    instance_name   The name of any valid running instance in the
                    current hard partition.

    partitionID     The numeric ID of any partition (reflected in
                    the configuration tree) in the current hard
                    partition. An operating system instance is not
                    required to be running with this identifier.

    Supported only on AlphaServer systems that support partitioning.


    Directs the STOP/CPU command to bypass a series of OpenVMS
    scheduling checks that determine whether the specified processor
    is eligible for removal from the active set.

    Note that this is not an unconditional operation; other CPU load
    or configuration constraints may prevent the specified processor
    from being stopped.

2.5    /POWER

       /POWER=OFF (Alpha/Integrity servers only)

    Powers down the CPU after it is removed from the active set. The
    CPU will be powered down while still owned by the instance, prior
    to any assignments.

    The /POWER qualifier cannot be used in conjunction with the
    /MIGRATE qualifier.

    Supported only on AlphaServer GS series systems.

3  –  Examples

    1.$ STOP/CPU

      The STOP/CPU command in this example selects a processor and
      removes it from the multiprocessing system's active set.

    2.$ STOP/CPU 4,7

      The STOP/CPU command in this example selects the processors
      with CPU IDs 4 and 7 and removes them from the multiprocessing
      system's active set.


      The STOP/CPU/OVERRIDE_CHECKS command in this example overrides
      some OpenVMS scheduling states that ordinarily prevent the
      operation and stops the processor with the CPU ID of 8. Then
      it is removed from active participation in the multiprocessing

    4.$ STOP/CPU/ALL

      The STOP/CPU/ALL command in this example stops all eligible
      secondary processors in the active set and removes them from
      the multiprocessing system.


      The STOP/CPU/MIGRATE command in this example removes CPU 5 from
      the current instance's active set and transfers ownership to
      instance WFGLXE in the current hard partition.


      The STOP/CPU/MIGRATE command in this example removes CPU 6 from
      the current instance's active set and transfers ownership to
      the hard partition node in the configuration tree. The CPU is
      immediately available for assignment for any instance within
      the hard partition defined by that node.
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