Displays all devices currently allocated to processes.

    If you specify a device name, the characteristics of only that
    device are displayed. If the device is not currently allocated,
    the command displays a message indicating that there is no such
    device. If you specify a generic device name, the characteristics
    of all allocated devices of that type are displayed.

2    /BRIEF

       /BRIEF (default)

    Displays brief information about the specified devices.

3    /BITMAP

       /BITMAP ddcu:

    Displays information regarding minicopy or HBMM (Host-Based
    Minimerge) bitmaps for the given shadow set;

    Note that the SHOW DEVICES/FULL ddcu: display also displays
    status to indicate that bitmaps are active on the device.

4    /EXACT

    Use with the /PAGE=SAVE and /SEARCH qualifiers to specify a
    search string that must match the search string exactly and must
    be enclosed with quotation marks (" ").

    If you specify the /EXACT qualifier without the /SEARCH
    qualifier, exact search mode is enabled when you set the search
    string with the Find (E1) key.

5    /FILES

    Requires SYSPRV (system privilege) or BYPASS privileges to list
    read-protected files.

    Displays a list of the names of all files open on a volume and
    their associated process name and process identification (PID).
    The specified device must be a mounted Files-11 volume. If the
    specified volume is a multivolume set, the files on each volume
    in the set are listed.


       The SHOW DEVICES/FILES command does not support defaults
       for nonspecified portions of device names. You must supply
       a complete device specification when using the /FILES

    If the /SYSTEM qualifier is also specified, only the names of
    installed files and files opened by the system are displayed.
    Files opened by the system are those that have been opened
    without the use of an ancillary control process (ACP), such
    as INDEXF.SYS and QUOTA.SYS, as well as system files such as

    If the /NOSYSTEM qualifier is specified, only those files opened
    by processes are displayed. To list files opened by a process in
    your group, your process must have at least GROUP privilege. If
    the process is not in your group, you need WORLD privilege.

    If neither the /SYSTEM nor the /NOSYSTEM qualifier is specified,
    the names of all files currently opened on the system are

    If a file is read-protected from your user identification code
    (UIC), the "No privilege" message is displayed instead of the
    file name. You must have SYSPRV (system privilege) privilege or
    BYPASS privilege to display the file name.

    A space in place of a file name represents a work file (such as
    a temporary edit file) not entered in any directory. To display
    temporary file names, you must have BYPASS privilege in addition
    to GROUP or WORLD privilege.

    Do not use the /FILES qualifier with the /ALLOCATED, /BRIEF,
    /FULL, or /MOUNTED qualifier. The functions of the /FILES
    qualifier and these qualifiers are mutually exclusive.

6    /FULL

    Displays a complete list of information about the devices,
    as appropriate, except for rebuild status. You must use the
    /REBUILD_STATUS qualifier to get that information.

    Note that you cannot use the /UNITS or /SIZE qualifier with the
    /FULL qualifier.

    The display will be in blocks or bytes, depending on the current
    system default setting. You can use SHOW PROCESS/UNITS to display
    the current default. To change the default, execute the DCL

    For more information about fields related to Dissimilar Device
    Shadowing (DDS) or Dynamic Volume Expansion (DVE) in the display,
    see the discussion of these topics in the HP OpenVMS System
    Manager's Manual.



    Use with the /PAGE=SAVE and /SEARCH qualifiers to specify the
    type of highlighting you want when a search string is found. When
    a string is found, the entire line is highlighted. You can use
    the following keywords: BOLD, BLINK, REVERSE, and UNDERLINE. BOLD
    is the default highlighting.


    Displays all devices that currently have volumes mounted on them.

    If you specify a device name, only the characteristics of that
    device are displayed; however, if the device is not currently
    mounted, the command issues a message indicating there is no such
    device. If you specify a generic device name, the characteristics
    of all such devices that currently have volumes mounted are


    Displays all devices that are currently multipath sets.

    If you specify a device name, only the characteristics of that
    device are displayed; however, if the device is not a multipath
    set, the command issues a message indicating there is no such
    device. If you specify a generic device name, the characteristics
    of all such devices that are currently multipath sets are

10    /OUTPUT


    Controls where the output of the command is sent. If you do
    not enter the qualifier, or if you enter the /OUTPUT qualifier
    without a file specification, the output is sent to the current
    process default output stream or device, identified by the
    logical name SYS$OUTPUT.

    If you enter the /OUTPUT qualifier with a partial file
    specification (for example, specifying only a directory), SHOW
    is the default file name and .LIS the default file type. If you
    enter a file specification, it may not include the asterisk (*)
    and the percent sign (%)  wildcard characters.

    If you enter the /NOOUTPUT qualifier, output is suppressed.

11    /PAGE

       /NOPAGE (default)

    Controls the display of device information on the screen.

    You can use the following keywords with the /PAGE qualifier:

    CLEAR_SCREEN   Clears the screen before each page is displayed.

    SCROLL         Displays information one line at a time.

    SAVE[=n]       Enables screen navigation of information, where n
                   is the number of pages to store.

    The /PAGE=SAVE qualifier allows you to navigate through screens
    of information. The /PAGE=SAVE qualifier stores up to 5 screens
    of up to 255 columns of information. When you use the /PAGE=SAVE
    qualifier, you can use the following keys to navigate through the

    Key Sequence              Description

    Up arrow key, Ctrl/B      Scroll up one line.
    Down arrow key            Scroll down one line.
    Left arrow key            Scroll left one column.
    Right arrow key           Scroll right one column.
    Find (E1)                 Specify a string to find when the
                              information is displayed.
    Insert Here (E2)          Scroll right one half screen.
    Remove (E3)               Scroll left one half screen.
    Select (E4)               Toggle 80/132 column mode.
    Prev Screen (E5)          Get the previous page of information.
    Next Screen (E6),         Get the next page of information.
    Return, Enter, Space
    F10, Ctrl/Z               Exit. (Some utilities define these
    Help (F15)                Display utility help text.
    Do (F16)                  Toggle the display to oldest/newest
    Ctrl/W                    Refresh the display.

    The /PAGE qualifier is not compatible with the /OUTPUT qualifier.


    Tells you whether volumes need rebuilding.

    You may need to rebuild a volume if the volume was improperly
    dismounted. Volumes are improperly dismounted when, for example,
    the system crashes.

    For each volume, SHOW DEVICES/REBUILD_STATUS returns one of these

    Value              Meaning

    Yes                Rebuild needed.
    No                 Rebuild not needed.
    Not applicable     You cannot rebuild this volume. This value is
                       returned if, for example, the volume is not a
                       disk, or the volume is write-locked.
    Information        Rebuild information is unavailable. This value
    unavailable        is returned when, for example, the volume is
                       not mounted, or mount verification is taking

    To rebuild a volume, either:


    o  Dismount the volume, then mount the volume again using

    You cannot use the /REBUILD_STATUS qualifier with any other SHOW
    DEVICES qualifiers, except /OUTPUT.

13    /SEARCH


    Use with the /PAGE=SAVE qualifier to specify a string that you
    want to find in the information being displayed. Quotation marks
    are required for the /SEARCH qualifier, if you include spaces in
    the text string.

    You can also dynamically change the search string by pressing the
    Find key (E1) while the information is being displayed. Quotation
    marks are not required for a dynamic search.

14    /SIZE


    Allows you to override the current default specified by SET
    PROCESS/UNITS so that you can display disk free space in your
    choice of blocks or bytes. (/SIZE is functionally equivalent to

    The following keywords are valid with the /SIZE qualifier:

    If you specify /SIZE with no keyword, the default value is not

    Note that you cannot use the /SIZE qualifier with the /FULL

15    /SYSTEM


    Controls whether the names of installed files and files opened
    by the system are displayed. Files opened by the system are those
    that have been opened without the use of an ancillary control
    process (ACP), such as INDEXF.SYS and QUOTA.SYS.

    If you specify the /NOSYSTEM qualifier with the /FILES qualifier,
    only files opened by processes are displayed. If you omit both
    the /SYSTEM and /NOSYSTEM qualifiers and specify the /FILES
    qualifier, the names of all files currently open on the system
    are displayed.

    You can use this qualifier only with the /FILES qualifier. See
    the description of the /FILES qualifier for more details.

16    /UNITS


    Allows you to override the current default specified by SET
    PROCESS/UNITS so that you can display disk free space in your
    choice of blocks or bytes. (/UNITS is functionally equivalent to

    The following keywords are valid with the /UNITS qualifier:

    If you specify /UNITS with no keyword, the default value is not

    Note that you cannot use the /UNITS qualifier with the /FULL

17    /WINDOWS

    Displays the window count and total size of all windows for files
    open on a volume. The file name and related process name and
    process identification (PID) are also displayed. The letter C
    in a display indicates that the file is open with "cathedral
    windows" (segmented windows).

18    /WRAP

       /NOWRAP (default)

    Use with the /PAGE=SAVE qualifier to limit the number of columns
    to the width of the screen and to wrap lines that extend beyond
    the width of the screen to the next line.

    The /NOWRAP qualifier extends lines beyond the width of the
    screen and can be seen when you use the scrolling (left and
    right) features provided by the /PAGE=SAVE qualifier.
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