The Read a Spin Lock State routine returns the current state of a
    spin lock. The state can be seized or not_seized.


      PPL$READ_SPIN_LOCK  lock-id ,seized

1  –  Arguments


    OpenVMS usage identifier
    type          longword (unsigned)
    access        read only
    mechanism     by reference
    Identifier of the specified spin lock. The lock-id argument is
    the address of an unsigned longword containing the identifier.


    OpenVMS usage longword_unsigned
    type          longword (unsigned)
    access        write only
    mechanism     by reference
    Receives the state of the specified spin lock. The seized
    argument is the address of an unsigned longword that receives
    the spin lock state. This argument returns a value of true if the
    current state of the spin lock is seized, and it returns a value
    of false if the current state of the spin lock is not_seized.
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