On Integrity server systems, the ALIGN command displays information about alignment faults, thereby helping troubleshoot HP Integrity server systems. Format ALIGN
1 – Example
MONITOR> ALIGN ALIGNMENT FAULT STATISTICS on node MTDIB9 11-JAN-2006 16:58:07.25 CUR AVE MIN MAX Kernel Fault Rate 19529.00 19529.00 19529.00 19529.00 Exec Fault Rate 7581.00 7581.00 7581.00 7581.00 Super Fault Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 User Fault Rate 164972.00 164972.00 164972.00 164972.00 Total Fault Rate 192082.00 192082.00 192082.00 192082.00 This example shows the alignment fault rate on the current system.