HELPLIB.HLB  —  MERGE  Output File Qualifiers, /SEQUENTIAL
    Defines output file organization as sequential. This is the
    default for address and index sorts. (The default for record
    and tag sorts is the organization of the first input file.)



1  –  Full Description

    If the organization of the output file is to be different from
    that of the input files, you must specify the new organization.
    If you do not specify file organization, the default for record
    and tag sorts is the organization of the first input file. If you
    do not specify file organization, the default organization for
    address and index sorts is sequential.

    Use the /SEQUENTIAL qualifier when the default is not sequential
    file organization and you want an output file with sequential
    file format.

2  –  Example


      Because the input file STATS.DAT is not a sequential file and
      the output file SUMMARY.LIS will be, /SEQUENTIAL qualifies the
      output file specification.
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