ECOAPP is an application which enables power saving in
 	the case that OpenVMS Alpha is running on the vtAlpha

 	In that case the VMS idle loop is forced to call a routine
 	which will suspend the emulator's execution until the
 	next interrupt, either from a peripheral or the hardware
 	interval timer, resulting in energy saving since the CPU
 	does not have to keep on running when there's no work to do.

 	If the system on which this application is running does not
 	support powersaving then an error will be issued when starting
 	the application.

 	(Some systems just ignore the power save command and don't
 	return an error. The modules's presence is harmless in that

 	Manual activation can be done with the LOAD command.

 	For more info or issues contact

1  –  LOAD


 	This command will load the ecoapp utility. If it is aleady
 	running a warning will be shown.

1.1    /LEVEL


 	This qualifier allows setting the detection level after which
 	ecoapp will cease activity. This level is given as a floating
 	point number, and is compared against the current one minute
 	system load. If the system load is higher than the specified
 	level then ecoapp will cease waiting for interrupts, which
 	will lead to higher physical cpu consumption, but also to a
 	more efficient processing due to the lack of waits, context
 	switches and cache invalidations. If the system load drops
 	below the level	the ecoapp will start to use wait cycles again.

 	Example: ECO LOAD/LEVEL=1.5 will caese activity if the one
 	minute system load will raise above 1.5.

1.2    /LOG


 	This qualifier will log the loading activity.

1.3    /NOLOAD


 	This qualifier allows setting the permanent characteristic
 	without loading the system module.



 	This qualifier will make it load at boot time so that no
 	manual intervention is needed anymore.



 	This command will monitor the statistics of the ecoapp utility.
 	The display will continusly be updated with relevant info:

 	ECOAPP version V2.1  Enter H or ? for help
 	Start time: 8-JUL-2020 09:12:01.15 (load at boot enabled, level  5.00)
 	Uptime:    1 02:47:44.35  State: Inactive  Level:   5.00

 	Total system idle percentage since ECOAPP start: 88%

 	Cpu average:     3.76   5.22   3.87        Cur processes: 1
 	IOq average:     4.20   6.90   3.88        Cur I/O queue: 0
 	Sys average:     7.97  12.12   7.75

 	CPU        idle count         idle time    idle
 	 0        257257646         0 20:21:11.49  100%
 	 1        203724018         0 17:23:03.55   86%
 	 2        191994732         0 17:50:49.53   88%
 	 3        153309693         0 15:34:28.96   77%
 	 4        243440235         0 20:59:39.65  100%
 	 5        224290571         0 19:56:39.10   95%
 	 6        198999658         0 18:17:45.03   88%
 	 7        173178507         0 15:47:53.65   76%

 	'idle count' is the number of times that a cpu was suspended
 	due to lack of work. 'idle time' is the total time that
 	a cpu has spent waiting before an interrupt woke it up.

 	During monitoring a couple of keys are recognized which
 	can influence the settings of monitoring:

 	Ctrl-Z, F10, Q:   Exit
 	Ctrl-W:           Refresh
 	S:                Suspend
 	R:                Resume
 	Left arrow:       Interval down
 	Right arrow:      Interval up
 	Up arrow:         Level up
 	Down arrow:       Level down
 	PageUp:           Level up * 10
 	PageDown:         Level down * 10
 	C:                Clear level
 	W:                Write level
 	0-9:              Set level to 0-9
 	H, ?:             Help

2.1    /FULL


 	Shows extended info including the average idle time.

2.2    /INTERVAL


 	This qualifier specifies the interval in seconds between updates.
 	The default is 1 second.

2.3    /SMG


 	Allows a pretty formatted display using the VMS
 	Screen Management routines.

3  –  SET


 	This command will set the detection level. The /LEVEL
 	qualifier is mandatory.

3.1    /LEVEL

 	This qualifier allows setting the detection level after which
 	ecoapp will cease activity. This level is given as a floating
 	point number, and is compared against the current one minute
 	system load. If the system load is higher than the specified
 	level then ecoapp will cease waiting for interrupts, which
 	will lead to higher physical cpu consumption, but also to a
 	more efficient processing due to the lack of waits, context
 	switches and cache invalidations. If the system load drops
 	below the level	the ecoapp will start to use wait cycles again.

 	Example: ECO SET/LEVEL=1.5 will caese activity if the one
 	minute system load will raise above 1.5.



 	This qualifier will make the specified level permanent, the
 	level will automatically be set at boot time.

4  –  UNLOAD


 	This command will unload the ecoapp utility. If it is not
 	running a warning will be shown.

4.1    /LOG


 	This qualifier will log the unloading activity.



 	This qualifier will prevent loading at boot time. Only manual
 	loading will make it run.



 	This command will show statistics of the ecoapp utility, for

 	ECOAPP version V2.3
 	Start time: 12-JUL-2023 10:04:24.57 (load at boot enabled, level  0.00)
 	Uptime:    0 00:16:48.72  State:  Active   Level:  0.00

 	Total system idle percentage since ECOAPP start: 96%

 	Cpu average:     0.05   0.07   0.05    Cur processes: 0
 	IOq average:     0.01   0.08   0.05    Cur I/O queue: 0
 	Sys average:     0.06   0.16   0.10

 	CPU        idle count         idle time    idle
 	 0           927298         0 00:15:59.10   96%
 	 1           951391         0 00:16:08.83   97%

 	'idle count' is the number of times that a cpu was suspended
 	due to lack of work. 'idle time' is the total time that
 	a cpu has spent waiting before an interrupt woke it up.

5.1    /FULL


 	Shows the current system, priority and I/O load over
 	a period of 1, 5 and 15 minutes.

5.2    /CPU

 	Shows the current cpu load over 1, 5 and 15 minutes.

5.3    /IO


 	Shows the current I/O queue load over 1, 5 and 15 minutes.

5.4    /LOAD


 	Shows the raw current cpu, I/O and system load over 1, 5
 	and 15 minutes. This switch may be combined with IO,
 	CPU or SYSTEM switches.

 	$ eco statistics/load
 	0.00   0.04   0.07   0.00   0.01   0.01   0.00   0.04   0.08

5.5    /SYSTEM


 	Shows the current system load over 1, 5 and 15 minutes.

 	Notice that the system load is the sum of the cpu
 	load and the I/O load.

6  –  RESUME


 	This will resume ecoapp's activity



 	This will suspend ecoapp's activity



 	This will show the current version.
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