HELPLIB.HLB  —  DECnet-Plus  DCL Commands, SET  HOST
    Connects your terminal (through the current host processor) to
    another processor, called the remote processor.


       SET HOST  remote-system

1  –  Parameter


       Specifies the name of the remote processor to which you will

2    /MOP

    Connects your system to a remote system using the MOP protocol.


       SET HOST/MOP  client-name

2.1  –  Parameter


       Specifies the name of the MOP CLIENT entity which describes
       the remote system that is the target of the console carrier
       request.  This is an optional parameter.  If omitted, you
       must specify the /CIRCUIT and /ADDRESS qualifiers.

2.2  –  Qualifiers

2.2.1    /ADDRESS=lan-address

     Specifies the LAN address of the remote system.

2.2.2    /BREAK=break-character

     Specifies the character which is to be recognized as a request
     to send a MOP Break protocol command to the remote system.
     Pressing the Ctrl key and this character transmits a MOP Break
     to the remote system.  The default character is \.

2.2.3    /CIRCUIT=circuit-name

     Specifies the name of the MOP CIRCUIT entity over which the
     request should take place.

2.2.4    /DISCONNECT=disconnect-character

     Specifies the character which is to be recognized as a request
     to terminate the connection with the remote system.  Once the
     connection is established, pressing the Ctrl key and this
     character terminates the connection. The default character is ].

2.2.5    /VERIFICATION=hexidecimal-digits

     Specifies the service password of the remote system. A
     verification has 16 hex digits.  If less than 16 digits are
     specified, MOP will pad with zeros on the right.

3    /VTP

    Connects your system to a remote system utilizing the OSI Virtual
    Terminal Protocol.


      SET HOST/VTP  alias

3.1  –  Parameter


       Specifies the name of the remote VT application that you wish
       to connect to.  This name can be an alias in the
       SYS$COMMON:[SYSEXE]ISOAPPLICATIONS.DAT file, or it can be the
       X.500 Distinguished Name of the remote VT application enclosed
       in quotes.

3.2  –  Qualifiers

3.2.1    /BREAK


    Selects the break character. The break character is used to
    generate a break on lines that expect a break rather than a
    carriage return. To generate a break, press Ctrl/break-character.

    The break character can be any ASCII character between @ and z.
    You cannot select a character currently defined as either the
    command character (see the description of the /COMMAND=command-
    character qualifier) or the disconnect character (see the
    description of the /DISCONNECT=disconnect-character qualifier).

    The ASCII characters between @ and z include the alphabetic
    characters in both upper and lower cases, the "at" sign (@),
    the backslash (\),  the right bracket (]), the circumflex (^),
    the underscore (_),  and the grave accent (`).

    By default, the break character is the right bracket (]).

3.2.2    /COMMAND


    Selects the command character. The command character is used to
    access VT command mode by pressing Ctrl/command-character.

    The command character can be any ASCII character between @ and z.
    You cannot select a character currently defined as either the
    break character (see the description of the
    /BREAK=break-character qualifier) or the disconnect character
    (see the description of the /DISCONNECT=disconnect-character

    The ASCII characters between @ and z include the alphabetic
    characters in both upper and lower cases, the "at" sign (@),
    the backslash (\), the right bracket (]), the circumflex (^),
    the underscore (_), and the grave accent (`).

    By default, the command character is the "at" sign (@).

3.2.3    /DISCONNECT


    Selects the disconnect character. The disconnect character is
    used to abnormally terminate VT association with the remote
    system by pressing Ctrl/disconnect-character.

    The disconnect character can be any ASCII character between @
    and z.  You cannot select a character currently defined as
    either the break character (see the description of the
    /BREAK=break-character qualifier) or the command character (see
    the description of the /COMMAND=command-character qualifier).

    The ASCII characters between @ and z include the alphabetic
    characters in both upper and lower cases, the "at" sign (@),
    the backslash (\), the right bracket (]), the circumflex (^),
    the underscore (_), and the grave accent (`).

    By default, the disconnect character is the "backslash" (\).

3.2.4    /LOG

       /NOLOG (default)

    Controls whether a log file of the entire session is kept. If you
    use the /LOG qualifier without the file specification, the log
    information is stored in the file SETHOST_VTP.LOG.

3.2.5    /PROFILE


    Specifies the Virtual Terminal profile to be used when
    establishing the association.  The following profiles are
    currently supported:

    o Generalized_Telnet (default)

    o Telnet

    o Transparent

    o Amode_default

3.2.6    /STATISTICS

       /NOSTATISTICS (default)

    Provides statistics on the VT association, including CPU usage,
    pagefaults, and I/O counts.

3.3  –  Example

    Username:  BROWN
        Welcome to VAX/VMS Version 5.4 on node ITALIC
    $  LOGOUT
    BROWN logged out at 19-APR-1991 15:04:25.27
    %VT-S-END, Control returned to local end system

    In this example, the name of the local node is CASLON. This SET
    HOST/VTP command connects the user terminal to the processor at
    the network node named ITALIC. The remote processor then prompts
    for user name and password. Use the normal login procedure to
    log in to the remote processor.

4    /X29

    Enables a connection to a host-based PAD using the X.29 protocol.


       SET HOST/X29 node-name

    When you are first connected to the  PAD,  your  terminal  is  in
    data-transfer mode.  You can change to PAD command mode by typing
    the appropriate escape character (usually <CTRL/P>).  In  command
    mode you can obtain further help on the PAD (by typing HELP).

4.1  –  Qualifiers

4.1.1    /BREAK_CHARACTER=character



    This qualifier sets up a control character which has the same
    effect as entering the BREAK command.  The character must be a
    single letter representing a control character.  For example,
    if the character is K, <CTRL/K> acts as a BREAK key.

4.1.2    /CCITT



    If you use this qualifier and do not specify a DTE address you
    may only use the /LOG, /PARAMETER, /VMS_MODE, /PROFILE,
    accept only CCITT commands and an A command is used to make the

    If you specify a DTE address, you may use any of the qualifiers.
    The PAD will make the call as requested and then enter CCITT

4.1.3    /CLOSED_USER_GROUP[=string]



    If this qualifier is present with a value, the value refers to
    the name of the closed user group, and the parameter is the
    usual DTE address.

    When this qualifier is without a value, the DTE address parameter
    is assumed to be the name of a bilateral closed user group.

4.1.4    /DEFAULT_ESCAPE_CHARACTER=character



    This qualifier changes the control character you type to go  into
    PAD command mode.

    Use this qualifier when accessing a PAD from a  console  terminal
    (or  on some other networking product) which interprets <CTRL/P>.
    Do not enter <CTRL/P> from a console terminal unless you have set
    the  terminal to LOCAL DISABLE with the keyswitch.  The keyswitch
    is on the front of the system that you are using.

    If you  specify  /NODEFAULT_ESCAPE_CHARACTER,  you  go  into  PAD
    command  mode by typing multiple <CTRL/Y>s ( or the host must set
    parameter 1 to a value greater than 1 ).

4.1.5    /FACILITIES=(number-list)



    This qualifier specifies a list of numbers, in  the  range  0  to
    255,  which are in the 'local facilities field' in the NCB (refer
    to the X.25 Programming Reference manual for details of the NCB).

    This list specifies some local facility not covered  by  the X.25
    software.   This  field  is not checked so the network may reject
    the call if you request an invalid facility.

4.1.6    /FAST_SELECT



    This qualifier makes the call with fast select requested.

4.1.7    /LOCAL_DTE=string



    The digit string specifies the local DTE address to use  for  the
    outgoing  call.  This qualifier is not valid if you are using
    X.25 Access.

4.1.8    /LOG[=file]



    This qualifier sets up a log file which logs copies  of  all  the
    data sent and received by the user.

    This file is by default PSIPAD.LOG and is in the  user's  default

    You can set the log file type in the PSI$PADLOG logical  name  to
    either  NETWORK or TERMINAL (the default).  NETWORK captures data
    on the network side of the host-based PAD, TERMINAL captures data
    as it appears on your terminal.

    Using the  /LOG qualifier is  the  same  as  using  the  SET  LOG
    command  which  assumes  the  default  /STAMP=SENSE.  The  /STAMP
    qualifier has no effect on the TERMINAL log file.

4.1.9    /PACKET_SIZE=number



    Use this qualifier to request the  specified  packetsize  in  the
    call  packet.   Otherwise,  the  network  default  is  used.  The
    packetsize should be between 16 and 1024 and must be a  power  of
    2.   If  you request a packetsize larger than the one configured,
    X.25 will use the largest size configured.

4.1.10    /PARAMETERS=(parameter-list)



    The parameter-list consists of compulsory keywords  and  optional
    values  such as TIMEOUT=10, NOWRAP and DELETE.  This qualifier is
    the same as issuing a SET PARAMETER parameter-list command.
    X.25 reads the parameter-list before you make your call.

4.1.11    /PROFILE=(profile-list)



    This qualifier is a list of profiles.  It is the same as  issuing
    several "SET PROFILE profile-name" commands, one for each profile
    name in the list.

4.1.12    /PROTOCOL_IDENTIFIER=string



    Use this qualifier to put a non-standard X.29 protocol identifier
    string  into  the  'protocol  identifier' field of the call.  The
    string is interpreted as a series  of  hexadecimal  digits  which
    fill  the  first  4 bytes of user data in the call packet.  Valid
    values for this string are set up by the X.29 protocol.




    Use this qualifier  to  request  reverse  charging  in  the  call

4.1.14    /SUBADDRESS=string



    If you use this qualifier, the digit  string  you  specify  is  a
    local subaddress in the outgoing call.

4.1.15    /STATISTICS



    This qualifier displays the duration of the PAD  session  at  the
    end of the call.

4.1.16    /THRUPUT_CLASS=number



    Use this qualifier to request the specified throughput  class  in
    the call packet.

4.1.17    /USER_DATA=string



    Use this qualifier to specify a string of user data that is  sent
    to the remote DTE when the call is established.  The maximum size
    of the string is 12 characters,  unless   /FAST_SELECT  has  been
    specified, in which case it is 124 characters.

4.1.18    /VMS_MODE



    This qualifier causes the PAD to enter VMS mode.

    This optimizes communication with the remote DTE if the system is
    VMS  V4.0  or  later.   Do  not use this qualifier unless you are
    connected to a VAX/VMS V4.0 or later system.

4.1.19    /WINDOW_SIZE=number



    Use this qualifier to request the  specified  windowsize  in  the
    range  of  1-127  in  the  call  packet.   Otherwise, the network
    default is used.  If you request a windowsize larger than the one
    configured, X.25 will use the largest size configured.
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