HELPLIB.HLB  —  DECnet-Plus  DCL Commands, DIRECTORY  Qualifiers
    Any DIRECTORY command qualifier that is unlisted here is accepted
    as a null qualifier, which produces no effect on the outcome of

1    /BRIEF


    Produces a brief directory display, which is the default format.
    Unless you specify the /SIZE, /OWNER, and/or /DATE qualifiers, the
    brief directory display contains only and FTAM application address
    and file designation for each specified file.

    Default value:   A brief display



    Controls the number of columns in a brief directory display. In
    practice, a display contains as many of the specified number of
    columns as can fit within the display width or the screen width
    (whichever is narrowest).

    Default value:   A four column display

3    /DATE


    Displays either the creation or modification date of the speci-
    fied file(s) according to the type of date that you specify. The
    available types of dates and their effects are:

    CREATED   Displays the creation date of a file (default)

    MODIFIED  Displays the last modification date of a file, that is,
              when it was last written to

    Default value:   No date displayed

4    /FULL


    This qualifier generates a complete listing of supported file
    attributes. The "File_attributes" subtopic of the /APPLICATION_
    PROTOCOL=FTAM qualifier defines the attributes that are listed by
    the full directory display.

    Default value:   A brief directory display



    Suppresses both individual file listings and individual directory
    totals when multiple directories are involved. The /GRAND_TOTAL
    qualifier displays the total numbers of targeted directories and

    Default value:   Both attributes of individual files and directory
                     totals displayed



    Controls whether a heading line consisting of an FTAM application
    name is displayed separately from file designations. Each FTAM
    system specified in a DIRECTORY command generates a separate
    directory header.

    Default value:   Header displayed

7    /OUTPUT


    This qualifier controls where the output of the command is sent.
    The /NOOUTPUT qualifier suppresses output. The /OUTPUT=file quali-
    fier with a file name and type sends the output to the designated
    file. The /OUTPUT=file with a directory but without a file name
    or type sends the output to the designated directory and a file
    called DIRECTORY.LIS. Using wildcards is prohibited in the /OUTPUT
    file specification.

    Default value:   Output to the default output stream or device
                     of the current process, whose logical name is

                     (Without a file specification, the /OUTPUT quali-
                     fier also directs output to SYS$OUTPUT.)

8    /OWNER


    Controls whether the file owner's UIC is listed.

    Default value:   File owner undisplayed



    This qualifier places the directory output into the file
    DIRECTORY.LIS or the file you specify using the /OUTPUT=file qual-
    ifier, automatically queues the file for printing, and deletes the

    Default value:   No printing

10    /SIZE


    Provides the file size in the blocks used and/or allocated for
    each specified file. The available /SIZE options and their effects

    ALL          Displays the file size both in blocks used and blocks

    ALLOCATION   Displays the file size in blocks allocated

    USED         Displays the file size in blocks used (default op-

    See also the /WIDTH=(SIZE=n) qualifier.

    Default value:   File sizes undisplayed

11    /TOTAL


    Suppresses individual file listings and displays only the summary
    information that is described under the /TRAILING qualifier.

    Default value:   Information about individual file(s) precedes



    Controls whether summary information (totals) appears in a trail-
    ing line at the end of a directory display. Totals include some or
    all of the following:

    o  Number of files listed per directory

    o  The number of directories (if the command specifies multiple

    o  Total number of blocks from each directory (if the command
       contains the /SIZE or the /FULL qualifier)

    Default value:   Totals displayed

13    /WIDTH


    Allows you to control the display width allotted to four elements:
    the entire display, file name, owner information, and file size.
    If you specify only one display-element option (option), you can
    omit the parentheses. The display-element options are as follows:

    DISPLAY[=n]    Controls the total width for a directory display.
                   You can make the width from 1 through 255 charac-
                   ters. However, if the total width of the display
                   exceeds the terminal width, the directory facility
                   truncates the display on the right side.

    FILENAME[=n]   Controls the width of the file-name field for a
                   brief directory display.

    OWNER[=n]      Controls the width of the owner field for a brief
                   directory display. If the owner information exceeds
                   the length of the owner field, the directory facil-
                   ity truncates the owner information on the right

    SIZE[=n]       Controls the width of the size field for a brief
                   directory display.

    Default        o  Display: Terminal width
                   o  File name: 19 characters

                   o  Owner: 20 characters

                   o  Size: 6 characters
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