HELPLIB.HLB  —  DECdts  utc_localzone
    Gets the local time zone label and offset from GMT, given utc.


      #include <utc.h>

      int utc_localzone(*tzname, tzlen, *tdf, *isdst, *utc)

         char *tzname;
         size_t tzlen;
         long *tdf;
         int *isdst;
         const utc_t *utc;

      #include <utc.h>

      int utc_localzone(*tzname, tzlen, *tdf, *isdst, *utc)

1  –  Parameters



    Length of the tzname buffer.


    Binary timestamp.



    Character string long enough to hold the time zone label.


    Longword with differential in seconds east or west of GMT.


    Integer with a value of zero if standard time is in effect or a
    value of 1 if daylight savings time is in effect.

2  –  Description

    The Local Zone routine gets the local time zone label and offset
    from GMT, given utc.

    OpenVMS systems do not have a default time zone rule. You
    select a time zone by defining sys$timezone_rule during the
    sys$manager:net$ procedure, or by explicitly
    defining sys$timezone_rule.

3  –  Notes

    All of the output parameters are optional. No value is returned
    and no error occurs if the pointer is null.

4  –  Returns

     0   Indicates that the routine executed successfully.
    -1   Indicates an invalid time argument or an insufficient buffer.

5  –  Example

    See the sample program for the utc_gmtzone routine.

6  –  Related Functions

    utc_anyzone, utc_gmtzone, utc_localtime
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