HELPLIB.HLB  —  CPML  csin()

      F_COMPLEX csin (F_TYPE x, F_TYPE y)

1  –  Description

    csin() computes the sine of a complex number, x + iy.

    csin(x,y) is defined as csin (x + iy) = sin x * cosh y + i * cos
    x * sinh y.

                           Entry-Point Names

    Generic                               Compaq
    Function   Data Type   OpenVMS        Tru64 UNIX
    Name       Required    Alpha          Alpha

    csin       S_FLOAT     math$csin_s    csinf
               T_FLOAT     math$csin_t    csin
               X_FLOAT     math$csin_x    csinl
               F_FLOAT     math$csin_f
               G_FLOAT     math$csin_g

2  –  Exceptions

    Exceptional Argument            Routine Behavior

    |x| = infinity                  Invalid argument
    |sin x * cosh y| > max_float    Overflow
    |cos x * sinh y| > max_float    Overflow

    Type  Value for: max_float

    F     Hexadecimal: FFFF7FFF
    G     Hexadecimal: FFFFFFFFFFFF7FFF
    S     Hexadecimal: 7F7FFFFF
    T     Hexadecimal: 7FEFFFFFFFFFFFFF

    F     Decimal: 1.701411e38
    G     Decimal: 8.988465674311579e307
    S     Decimal: 3.402823e38
    T     Decimal: 1.797693134862316e308
    X     Decimal: 1.189731495357231765085759326628007016196477e4932
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