1    /FORMAT


    Specifies the encoding format of the input or output file. The
    default input and output format is DDIF.

    Input converters bundled with the CDA Base Services and the
    default file extensions for the file formats they support are as

    Input Format   File Extension

    DDIF           .DDIF
    DTIF           .DTIF
    TEXT           .TXT

    Output converters bundled with the CDA Base Services for
    OpenVMS DECwindows Motif and the default file extensions for the
    file formats they support are as follows:

    Format         File Extension

    DDIF           .DDIF
    DTIF           .DTIF
    TEXT           .TXT
    PS             .PS



    Specifies a file that contains processing option for both input
    and output. An options file is a text file with a default file
    extension of .CDA$OPTIONS on OpenVMS systems.

    An options file is not required. Default processing options are
    applied automatically when you convert a file. You may, however,
    require settings other than the default. Processing options can
    help ensure minimal changes when your input file is converted to
    a different output file format.


       /NOMESSAGE_FILE (default)

    Turns on message logging for document conversion. Messages output
    by the input and output converters are directed to the file
    specified with filespec. If filespec is not specified, messages
    are output to SYS$ERROR. The default is /NOMESSAGE_FILE.
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