Produces a full report of the selected records.



1  –  Description

    The /FULL qualifier produces a full report of the selected
    records. The report is directed to the current SYS$OUTPUT device,
    unless you use the /OUTPUT qualifier to write it to a file. (Note
    that /OUTPUT is Alpha-only.)

    Full reports display one screen of information for each selected
    record. The information displayed, and the way that it is laid
    out, depend on the type of the record and the data it contains.

    The first line shows the event that caused the record to be
    logged in the accounting file. For example, for a record that
    was logged when an interactive process terminated, the first line
    shows INTERACTIVE Process Termination.

    For subprocesses, the Owner ID field shows the process identifier
    (PID) of the parent process.

    For records that contain information about DECnet for OpenVMS
    requests, the three Remote fields identify the remote user and
    remote node.

    The Processor time field shows the total CPU time used. This
    includes any vector CPU time used. The Vector CPU time field is
    shown only if vector CPU time has been used.

    Vector CPU time is the time that the process was scheduled on a
    vector-present CPU while that process was a vector consumer. Note

    o  When a process is a vector consumer, it accrues vector CPU
       time when it is scheduled, even if it does not issue any
       vector instructions.

    o  Processes that are scalar consumers or marginal vector
       consumers do not accrue vector CPU time, even when they are
       scheduled on vector-present CPUs.

    The privilege is shown as two hexadecimal numbers that represent
    the first and last 32 bits of the 64-bit privilege mask. To
    translate the privilege bit mask into privileges, refer to the
    definitions of the symbols that begin PRV$V_ in the $PRVDEF macro
    in the STARLET library. For example, the $PRVDEF macro defines
    the PRV$V_READALL symbol to equate to 35. This means that READALL
    privilege is represented by bit 35 set in the privilege mask.

    If you are processing only one file and you are displaying it on
    your screen, when you do not want to look at any more records,
    press Ctrl/Z to return to the DCL prompt.

    See also the /BINARY qualifier, which copies the selected records
    to a file, and the /BRIEF and /SUMMARY qualifiers, which produce
    brief and summary reports of the selected records.

    You cannot use the /FULL qualifier with the /BINARY, /BRIEF,
    or /SUMMARY qualifiers.

2  –  Examples


      This example displays a full report of all the records in the
      file SYS$MANAGER:ACCOUNTNG.DAT. This example screen shows a
      record that was logged when an interactive process terminated.
      The interactive process was created when the user JONES at the
      node HQ222 entered a SET HOST command to connect to the local

 INTERACTIVE Process Termination
 Username:         FISH        UIC:               [DOC,FISH]
 Account:          DOC         Finish time:       23-JAN-2000 15:21:23.83
 Process ID:       20A0029B    Start time:        23-JAN-2000 15:19:08.28
 Owner ID:                     Elapsed time:                0 00:02:15.55
 Terminal name:     RTA2:      Processor time:              0 00:00:04.14
 Remote node addr: 63576       Priority:          4
 Remote node name: HQ222       Privilege <31-00>: 00108000
 Remote ID:        JONES       Privilege <63-32>: 00000000
 Queue entry:                  Final status code: 00000001
 Queue name:
 Job name:
 Final status text: %SYSTEM-S-NORMAL, normal successful completion

 Page faults:      2043        Direct IO:              159
 Page fault reads:   68        Buffered IO:            228
 Peak working set:  852        Volumes mounted:          0
 Peak page file:   5512        Images executed:         10
                 Vector CPU time:             0 00:00:0.54
 Press RETURN for Next Record >


      This example creates the output file MYACC.LIS in the default
      directory. It processes the file SYS$MANAGER:ACCOUNTNG.DAT,
      writing a full report of all records to the new output file.
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