record organization or file structure not supported by FAT

    Facility: EFI$CP, The OpenVMS EFI Partition Control Program

    Explanation: The target file has an RMS record format or file
    structure that is not supported by FAT, nor by operating systems
    or environments or applications typically accessing files on
    FAT volumes. As a result, the file contents are unlikely to
    be easily accessable within these environments, and may or may
    not be viewable by or by accessable these applications. It is
    unlikely that the record attributes and file structures will
    restored correctly should the file be subsequently copied back
    onto an OpenVMS disk, as well; the record attributes and details
    of the file structure may or will be lost. While most any modern
    platform does support one or more sequential file formats, there
    can be and often are record-level differences within the bytes
    associated with a particular sequential file storage format on a
    particular platform. The file record format for the specified
    file is expected to be unique to OpenVMS. Files using block
    formats, or files of Stream or Stream Linefeed record formats are
    generally the most compatible formats across the most platforms.
    This message is only generated when copying file(s) from an
    OpenVMS volume structure onto a FAT volume structure.

    User Action: No particular user action is required, though
    the conversion to and the use of a record format supported
    more directly by applications using FAT would certainly be
    recommended. You can protect OpenVMS structures using a zip
    archive to protect the attributes, or you can potentially restore
    the attributes by using either CONVERT/FDL or SET FILE/ATTRIBUTES
    to restore lost record attributes on any files imported back into
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