DNS$CPHELP.HLB  —  set  link
 Modifies characteristics of the specified soft link.


      SET LINK link-name characteristic



 The full name of the soft link.


 The name and the value of the characteristic to be modified. Specify
 one or both of the following for the characteristic argument:

 DNS$LinkTarget [=] fullname
 DNS$LinkTimeout [=] [(expiration-time extension-time)]


 This command modifies characteristics of the specified soft link.
 Enter one or both of the following characteristics. If you enter
 both characteristics, separate them with a comma.


 Specifies the full name of the directory, object entry, or other
 soft link to which the soft link points.


 Specifies a timeout value after which the soft link is either
 extended or deleted. The timeout value contains both an expiration
 time and an extension time. If a soft link expires and its target
 entry has been deleted, the soft link is deleted. If the link still
 points to an existing entry, its life is extended by the expiration
 time. Specify expiration-time in the format yyyy-mm-dd-hh:mm:ss. The
 default value of 0 means "never expire." Specify extension-time in
 the format ddd-hh:mm:ss. The default value is 000-00:00:00.

 You must have write access to the soft link you intend to modify.

1  –  example

 The following command sets the expiration value of a soft link named
 .eng.link01 to December 31, 1992, at 12:00 p.m. and sets the soft
 link's extension value to 90 days.

 dns> set link .eng.link01 dns$linktimeout -
 _> (1992-12-31-12:00:00 090-00:00:00)
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