DNS$CPHELP.HLB  —  merge  file
 Merges the contents of an interim file that has been created with
 the DUMP SUBTREE command into an existing subtree.


      MERGE FILE ifile INTO SUBTREE tree-name

      [FAILURES TO FILE=filename]



 The name of an interim file that contains a directory and its
 contents, or a hierarchy of directories and their contents.


 The name of the topmost directory in the subtree.


 The name of a file that contains names that could not be merged.


 This command merges the contents of an interim file that has been
 created using the dump subtree command into an existing subtree
 whose top directory is specified in tree-name. If the target tree-
 name does not exist, the command returns an error and the user must
 use the create directory command to create it. The failures to file
 could not be merged.

 You must have control and write access to the directory you specify
 as well as the contents of the directory.

1  –  example

 The following command merges the interim file sth.dat with the .pjl

 dns> merge file sth.dat into subtree .pjl
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