DECW$HELPHELP.HLB  —  Overview  Menus Search
  The Search menu contains three menu items. The
  History... menu item allows you to search through and
  choose from a list of the help topics you have already

  The Title... and Keyword... menu items allow you to
  search through lists of the titles or keywords of the
  current help library.

  For further details, select the requisite menu item
  from the list of additional topics below.

1  –  Menus Search History

  Every topic that you select while in a Help session is
  recorded by the History... menu item. Selecting the
  History... menu item gives you see this record.

  Choose the History... menu item. A dialog box appears,
  listing all the topics viewed during the current Help
  session. The list is in chronological order, but
  duplicates are discarded.

  Select a topic in the usual way: double click on the
  topic to Go To Topic, or single click and then
  choose an operation by clicking on the desired push

  The Go Back button also uses the history record, in
  this case stepping back one topic at a time. The
  History... menu item provides a short cut if the topic
  you want is a long way back.

2  –  Menus Search Title

  Every help topic has a title. The Title... menu item
  can be used to find a particular topic quickly.

  Selecting the Title... menu item causes a dialog box to
  appear. Click on the Apply button to display all the
  titles in the current help library in the box.

  To make a more specific search, enter a word or phrase
  in the Title field, and click on the Apply button. Only
  those titles containing your word or phrase are then

  After you have found the topic you require, select the
  topic in the usual way: double click on the topic to
  Go To Topic, or single click and then choose an
  operation by clicking on the desired push buttons.

3  –  Menus Search Keyword

  The Keyword... dialog box finds help topics that relate
  to a keyword you choose from a list of keywords.

  The available keywords are displayed in a list in the
  Keyword... dialog box. To use the keywords, either
  select one from the list, or enter one directly in the
  Keyword field at the top of the box. Then click on the
  Apply button.

  The Topic Titles list will then display all the titles
  which match your chosen keyword.

  After you have found the topic you require, select the
  topic in the usual way: double click on the topic to
  Go To Topic, or single click and then choose an
  operation by clicking on the desired push buttons.
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