CTF$HELP.HLB  —  Tracepoints
 The DECnet-Plus for OpenVMS base system supports these tracepoints:

 	MOP CIRCUIT <circuit_name or *>
 	NSP PORT <port_name or *>
 	OSITP LSP <lsp_address or *> RSP <rsp_address or *>
 	ROUTING CIRCUIT <circuit-name or *>
 	SESSION PORT <port_name or *>

1  –  VAX WAN Device Driver tracepoints

 VAX WAN Device Drivers support these tracepoints:

 	DDCMP LINK <link_name or *>
 	HDLC LINK <link_name or *>
 	LAPB LINK <link_name or *>
 	MODEM_CONNECT LINE <line_name or *>

2  –  VAX P.S.I. tracepoints

 VAX P.S.I. Version 5.0 supports these tracepoints:

 	LAPB LINK <link_name or *>
 	LLC2 SAP LINK <link_name or *>
 	X25L3 DTE <dte_name or *>
 	X25L3 CIRCUIT <circuit_name or *>
 	X25GAP CIRCUIT <circuit_name or *>

3  –  DEC WANrouter 100/500 tracepoints

 The DEC WANrouter 100/500 supports these tracepoints:

 	HDLC LINK <link_name or *>
 	DDCMP LINK <link_name or *>
 	LAPB LINK <link_name or *>
 	MODEM_CONNECT LINE <line_name or *>
 	NSP PORT <port_name or *>
 	ROUTING CIRCUIT <circuit_name or *>

4  –  DEC Network Integration Server tracepoints

 The DEC Network Integration Server supports these tracepoints:

 	HDLC LINK <link_name or *>
 	LAPB LINK <link_name or *>
 	LLC2 SAP LINK <link_name or *>
 	MODEM_CONNECT LINE <line_name or *>
 	NSP PORT <port_name or *>
 	ROUTING CIRCUIT <circuit_name or *>
 	X25L3 CIRCUIT <circuit_name or *>
 	X25L3 DTE <dte_name or *>
 	X25GAP CIRCUIT <circuit_name or *>

5  –  OSITP tracepoints

 OSITP CR MESSAGES shows all Connect Request protocol data units.

 OSITP ER MESSAGES shows all Error protocol data units.

 OSITP LSP <lsp_address or *> RSP <rsp_address or *> shows
     all protocol data units exchanged between the specified
     local and remote service providers.

     The form of an lsp_address or rsp_address is the 6-byte
     physical address, without hyphens:

     CTF> trace start "OSITP LSP AA00040089FF RSP 08002B112233"
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