|1VMS Help and Text Libraries| |^ Affectionately known as |/Conan the Librarian| |-| and with all due acknowlegement to Wierd Al.Yankovic |'_smiley.\ | |-| this script makes VMS |/Help| and |/Text| libraries accessible in the web environment. |^ The librarian script will be automatically activated if the file specified has an extension of ".HLB" or ".TLB". Alternatively it may be explicitly activated by specifying |//conan|| as a prefix to the file specification (but the ability to provide a relative specification is lost). The following examples illustrate the syntax: |table| |~ |. |link%=|/sys$common/syshlp/helplib.hlb| |. VMS Help |~ |. |link%=|/conan/sys$common/syshlp/helplib.hlb| |. via /Conan |!table| |0Other Librarian Functionality|| |^ To obtain an index of matching libraries explicitly activate the |/Conan| script providing a wildcard file specification. |table| |~ |. |link%=|/conan/sys$common/syshlp/*.hlb| |. All Help libraries |!table| |^ To obtain the library header information add a query string to the library file specification, as shown in the following example: |table| |~ |. |link%=|/conan/sys$common/syshlp/helplib.hlb?do=header| |. VMS help library header |!table|