|9Document Navigation 2| |1Document Navigation| |^ |'wasdoc.wasDOC| provides a variety of navigation mechanisms. |bullet| |& A primary Table of Context (TOC) provides links to all sections and subsections of the document. |& Secondary Table of Content placed at the beginning of each major section providing navigation to the subsections within. |& Navigation icons |"  ↩︎  ↖︎  ↑︎  ↘︎  ↪︎   || provide links to adjacent and visited sections. |& The document |/Index| provides an alphabetically arranged set of links into various parts of the document. |!bullet| |^ Each of these is described in the following sections. |2Primary TOC| |^ The tags |=\|1| through to |=\|4| divides the document into titled sections and and generates a hierarchical primary table of content (TOC). Each generates a corresponding (HTML) heading containing the section title. |^ |=\|0| tags do not generate primary TOC entries. Optionally these can be included in secondary TOCs. |^ Any heading tag can be prefixed with a zero to suppress the primary TOC entry while inserting that style heading. |^ The primary TOC is presented in two columns. This may be reduced to a single column or increased to three or four using |=\|set\|toc=cols=|/integer||\|||. |^ The table of content is inserted wherever the |=\|toc\|| tag is placed. If not included then no primary TOC is generated. |00TOC Numbering| |^ By default the Table of Content is numbered as section and subsections (see |link|Document Sections||). Using the setting |=\|set\|toc=format=0\|| this can be disabled, resulting in no section numbering. Explicitly (re)enable using |=\|set\|toc=format=1\|||. |^ In addition, a numeric TOC can have a separator inserted after the section number up to the section heading, making a TOC entry look |/something| like the next (faux) heading. | ......... Obscure Embellishments| |^ The syntax |=\|set\|toc=format=1....................\|| will introduce a space filled with the specified text between the entry number and title. Just make sure there is enough of the separator characters to span the space between the section number and text (|*hint:| a ragged edge at the right indicates too few). While simple characters such as periods and hyphens are obvious choices some HTML entities are more aesthetically pleasing. The following seem to work well;\ |=.‥| \‥\ |=.⋯| \⋯\ |=.…| \… (used in this document)\ |=.•| \•\ |=.∘| \∘\ |=.‐| \‐\ |=._| \_\ and |=..| \. |--| just remember to have enough entities to fill that intervening space! |002\•\ \ A Simple Bullet| |^ Alternatively, it can be set to a literal string which is prefixed to the heading title. This is intended to allow an HTML entity to delineate the headings, as in |=\|set\|toc=format=•  \|||. |2Secondary TOC| |^ A secondary table of content can be placed at the beginning of each major section providing navigation to the |=\|2| and |=\|4| headings within that section. This document has secondary TOC enabled. |^ The secondary TOC is enabled using the |=\|set\|toc2=|/integer||\||| setting. The |/integer| specifies the level of inclusion. Using |=\|set\|toc2=1\|| includes the primary TOC entries, |=\|set\|toc2=2\|| includes |/all| headings. The TOC is presented in two columns. This may be reduced to a single column or increased to three or four using |=\|set\|toc2=cols=|/integer||\|||. |2Navigation Icons| |^ Navigation icons provide the |"  ↩︎  ↖︎  ↑︎  ↘︎  ↪︎   || which left to right represent; history backward, previous major section, start of document (often primary TOC), next major section, history forward. Navigation items are enabled using |=\|set\|navigate=1\|||. This document has navigation items enabled as can be seen below the |link|Document Navigation| (this) heading. |2Document Index| |^ This provides an |/alphabetically arranged| set of links into various parts of the document, collated on the first character of the reference description. By default, any and all headings are included (|=\|0||, |=\|1| |...| |=\|4| and |=\|9||). |^ Unnumbered section headings (i.e. |=\|0||) are placed into context by including the preceding numbered heading in the entry. For example, the heading |=\|0Contextual Example\|| in this section would appear in the index as: |&background-color:#f2f2f2;.\‘Contextual Example\’ in 6.4 Document Index||. To suppress the context, displaying only the heading, prefix the section number 0 digit with a leading |=0| (zero) digit (i.e. |=\|00||). |^ Reference-only section index entries (i.e. |=\|9||) are also placed into context. |^- To suppress the context, prefix the 9 digit with a leading |=0| (zero) digit (i.e. |=\|09||). |^- To suppress the index entry completely while still inserting a document reference, prefix the 9 digit with another |=9| (nine) digit (i.e. |=\|99||). |9\|9...\|| |^ A heading |=\|9...\|| uses the following document text as the Index entry. If an explicit alphabetic character precedes the ellipsis this is used as the Index collating character. Therefore |asis=<<| |9X...| This is just an example! |||| would place "This is just an example!" into the "|=X||" section of the Index. |^ The Index is inserted wherever the |=\|index\|| tag is placed (usually towards the end of the document as with |link|Index|this one||). If not included then no Index is generated. |^ The index is presented in two columns. This may be reduced to a single column or increased to three or four using |=\|set\|idx=cols=|/integer||\|||. |^ The default index is collated using the 26 alphabetics of the English language Latin alphabet. This may be modified using the setting |=\|set\|idx=collate=|/string||\||| where |/string| is a list of 8 bit Latin 1 characters. Each character to be collated must have two listed, the first an upper-case version, followed by the lower-case equivalent. The first of the two characters is listed in the index. If the character specified does not have one or the other then just repeat the character. The default English language collation sequence is |code| AaBbCcDdEeFfGgHhIiJjKkLlMmNnOoPpQqRrSsTtUuVvWwXxYyZz |!code| |^ If the sequence is prefixed with a plus symbol (i.e. |=\|set\|idx=collate=+|/string||\|||) then the parameter is appended to any existing sequence. Without the plus the collation sequence is replaced. |^ To include entries beginning with integers use |=\|set\|idx=collate=+00112233445566778899\|||. //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------