/*****************************************************************************/ /* SSI.h */ /*****************************************************************************/ #ifndef SSI_H_LOADED #define SSI_H_LOADED 1 #include "wasd.h" /* essentially depth of if-else-endif nesting */ #define SSI_MAX_FLOW_CONTROL 8 #define SSI_INCLUDE_PART_MAX 63 /* things like #echo and #set */ #define SSI_STRING_SIZE 2048 /**************/ /* structures */ /**************/ #pragma __member_alignment __save #pragma member_alignment typedef struct SsiTaskStruct SSI_TASK; struct SsiTaskStruct { LIST_ENTRY SsiTaskList; SSI_TASK *ParentDocumentTaskPtr, *RootDocumentTaskPtr; BOOL /* access to be expressed at "1st", "2nd", etc. */ AccessOrdinal, /* indexed by 'FlowControlIndex', flow has executed */ FlowControlHasExecuted [SSI_MAX_FLOW_CONTROL], /* indexed by 'FlowControlIndex', flow is executing */ FlowControlIsExecuting [SSI_MAX_FLOW_CONTROL], /* currently inside an "<--#ssi" statement */ InsideSsiStatement, /* OSU SSI? (detected via "OSU" in content description) */ OsuCompliant, /* record format is fixed or undefined (don't add newlines) */ RecordFormatFixed, /* stop processing the virtual document */ StopProcessing, /* suppress blank lines result of flow control directive lines */ SuppressLine, /* OSU-specific, tag verification */ TagVerify, /* when tracing used to know when to insert carriage-control */ TraceOutput, /* trace on or off */ TraceState; int /* number of time file accessed */ AccessCount, /* attempt to make behaviour backward compatible */ ComplianceLevel, /* */ FileDetailsItem, /* line number currently being parsed (for error information) */ LineNumber, /* index into flow-control nesting arrays */ FlowControlIndex, /* buffer for logical value */ OutputBufferEscapeHtml, /* note when a search-list has been searched for the file */ SearchListCount, /* line number where current directive began */ StatementLineNumber, /* length of SSI statement ;^) */ StatementLength; int /* indexed by 'FlowControlIndex', series of flow control states */ FlowControlState [SSI_MAX_FLOW_CONTROL]; int64 /* stores the latest RDT of files during "#modified" */ LastModifiedTime64, /* source ssi file CDT */ FileCdtTime64, /* source ssi file RDT */ FileRdtTime64; char /* character overwriten by the end-of-statement terminating null */ TerminatedChar; char /* scratch space */ AccessSinceText [128], /* OSU-compliant #include part for current document */ CurrentPart [SSI_INCLUDE_PART_MAX+1], /* OSU-compliant #include part for about-to-be included document */ IncludePart [SSI_INCLUDE_PART_MAX+1], /* for #include, etc., file names */ ScratchFileName [ODS_MAX_FILE_NAME_LENGTH+1], /* scratch space to hold a format string */ FormatString [64], /* result of sys$parse(), values from, #include, #created, etc. */ TheFileNameVar [ODS_MAX_FILE_NAME_LENGTH+1]; char /* points to the list of CGI variables */ *CgiBufferPtr, /* string containing document depth number */ *DocumentDepthPtr, /* root of document URI */ *DocumentRootPtr, /* message string when generating an SSI error */ *ErrMsgPtr, /* current character position when parsing the buffer */ *ParsePtr, /* pointer to storage allocated for size format string */ *SizeFmtPtr, /* start of "" or next "#" */ *StatementEndPtr, /* points to char overwriten by the end-of-statement null */ *TerminatedPtr, /* pointer to storage allocated for time format string */ *TimeFmtPtr; /* structure for ACP info */ FILE_QIO FileAcpData; /* structures for file access */ ODS_STRUCT DetailsOds; /* access counter does not need to be ODS-5 aware (no NAM block) */ struct FAB AccessFab; struct RAB AccessRab; struct XABDAT AccessXabDat; struct XABPRO AccessXabPro; /* pointer to function, used for specifying the next task */ REQUEST_AST AccessAstFunction; /* user variable dictionary */ DICT_STRUCT *UserDictPtr; /* structure for receiving the file's contents in-memory */ FILE_CONTENT *FileContentPtr; }; #pragma member_alignment __restore /***********************/ /* function prototypes */ /***********************/ SsiAccessesClose (struct FAB*); SsiAccessesConnectAst (struct RAB*); SsiAccessesFileClosed (struct FAB*); SsiAccessesGetAst (struct RAB*); SsiAccessesOpen (REQUEST_STRUCT*); SsiAccessesOpenAst (struct FAB*); SsiAccessesOutput (REQUEST_STRUCT*); SsiAccessesParseAst (struct FAB*); SsiAccessesUpdateAst (struct RAB*); SsiBegin (REQUEST_STRUCT*); SsiDoAccesses (REQUEST_STRUCT*); SsiDoDcl (REQUEST_STRUCT*); SsiDoDir (REQUEST_STRUCT*); SsiDoEcho (REQUEST_STRUCT*); SsiDoElif (REQUEST_STRUCT*); SsiDoElse (REQUEST_STRUCT*); SsiDoEnd (REQUEST_STRUCT*); SsiDoEndif (REQUEST_STRUCT*); SsiDoIf (REQUEST_STRUCT*); SsiDoInclude (REQUEST_STRUCT*); SsiDoPrintEnv (REQUEST_STRUCT*); SsiDoSet (REQUEST_STRUCT*); SsiDoTrace (REQUEST_STRUCT*); SsiEnd (REQUEST_STRUCT*); SsiFileDetails (REQUEST_STRUCT*, int); SsiFileDetailsParseAst (REQUEST_STRUCT*); SsiFileDetailsAcpInfoAst (REQUEST_STRUCT*); SsiGetFileSpec (REQUEST_STRUCT*, char*, char*, int); SsiIncludeError (REQUEST_STRUCT*); SsiNextRecord (REQUEST_STRUCT*); SsiNextRecordAst (struct RAB*); SsiParse (REQUEST_STRUCT*); SsiProblem (REQUEST_STRUCT*, ...); SsiStatement (REQUEST_STRUCT*); SsiTraceGetVar (REQUEST_STRUCT*, char*, char*); SsiTraceLine (REQUEST_STRUCT*, char*); SsiTraceSetVar (REQUEST_STRUCT*, char*, char*); char* SsiGetVar (REQUEST_STRUCT*, char*, char*, BOOL); char* SsiGetCgiVar (REQUEST_STRUCT*, char*); char* SsiGetServerVar (REQUEST_STRUCT*, char*, char*); char* SsiGetUserVar (REQUEST_STRUCT*, char*); int SsiTimeString (REQUEST_STRUCT*, ulong*, char*, char*, int); #endif /* SSI_H_LOADED */ /*****************************************************************************/