/*****************************************************************************/ /* Dir.h */ /*****************************************************************************/ #ifndef DIR_H_LOADED #define DIR_H_LOADED 1 #include "wasd.h" #include "file.h" /**************/ /* structures */ /**************/ #pragma __member_alignment __save #pragma member_alignment typedef struct DirTaskStruct DIR_TASK; struct DirTaskStruct { BOOL /* query string directive */ AsIfNopFound, /* query string directive */ AsIfNosFound, /* disables auto-scripting appending version */ AutoScriptEnabled, /* */ DirFormatBlockTotals, /* the original specification's file/type/version was not empty */ DirSpecIncludedFilePart, /* directory style is formatted by table elements */ DirStyleTabular, /* present a directory listing ("Index of") in a VMS-style */ FormatLikeVms, /* make icon a plain-text link */ IconLinkEnabled, /* query string directive */ IncludeAnyReadme, /* */ ListParentDir, /* */ ListSubDir, /* make the file description a link */ MakeDescriptionLink, /* allow query string to override .WWW_WASD */ QueryOverride, /* HTTP header generated by directory lisitng, i.e. not embedded */ ResponseHeaderSent, /* do not display the file's type (e.g. ".TXT") */ ShowNoType, /* force director and file names to upper-case */ ShowUpperCase; int /* for sortable listing */ ColSpanCount, /* */ DirAccessOkState, /* */ DirAccessOkStatus, /* header, footer, both, none */ DirDelimit, /* listing font monospace (D) or inherit */ DirFont, /* historical styles of WASD lisitings */ DirStyle, /* page title */ DirTitle, /* */ DirectoryCount, /* */ LayoutFaoLength, /* */ LayoutHeadingLength, /* */ DirSpecLength, /* */ FieldWidthCdt, /* */ FieldWidthDescription, /* */ FieldWidthName, /* */ FieldWidthOwner, /* */ FieldWidthProtection, /* */ FieldWidthRdt, /* */ FieldWidthSize, /* */ FileCount, /* */ ReadMeFileIndex, /* */ SizeKilo, /* buffer for most recent task status */ TaskStatusBuffer, /* number of versions of a single file */ VersionCount, /* when version of this contains the length of the last file name */ VersionLength, /* index directive to display a maximum of this number of versions */ VersionsOf; unsigned long /* for directory module, file's allocated blocks */ TotalAllocatedBlocks, /* for directory module, file's used blocks */ TotalUsedBlocks; char /* pointer to heap storage URL equivalent of directory */ *DirectoryPathPtr, /* */ *DirFormatParentDirPath, /* page title string literal (if non-NULL) */ *DirTitlePtr, /* pointer to column headings string */ *LayoutHeadingPtr, /* pointer to directory layout string */ *LayoutPtr, /* pointer to sys$fao() directive string */ *LayoutFaoPtr, /* pointer to message string describing subdirectory */ *MsgSubDirPtr, /* pointer to request specified content-type */ *QueryContentTypePtr, /* query string for directives */ *QueryStringPtr, /* allocated memory containing series of null-terminated strings */ *ThesePtr; char /* scratch space for file description */ Description [256], /* directory part of file specification */ DirectoryPart [ODS_MAX_FILE_NAME_LENGTH+1], /* directory specification */ DirPath [ODS_MAX_FILE_NAME_LENGTH+1], /* sort at page load */ DirSort [2+1], /* directory path specification */ DirSpec [ODS_MAX_FILE_NAME_LENGTH+1], /* file part of file specification */ FilePart [ODS_MAX_FILE_NAME_LENGTH+1], /* */ LinkTarget [sizeof(" target=\"\"")+32], /* only when specified as "/dir1/dir2" this contains "./dir2/" */ RealPath [ODS_MAX_FILE_NAME_LENGTH+1], /* prepended script name */ ScriptName [SCRIPT_NAME_SIZE], /* when doing version of this contains the last file name */ VersionName [ODS_MAX_FILE_NAME_LENGTH+1]; /* */ CONTENT_TYPE ContentInfo; /* used for retrieving file size, dates, etc. */ FILE_QIO FileAcpData; /* "on-disk structure" supporting both ODS-2 and ODS-5 */ ODS_STRUCT SearchOds; /* pointers to functions, used for specifying the next/AST task */ REQUEST_AST NextTaskFunction; REQUEST_AST DirAccessOkAstFunction; REQUEST_AST DirFormatAstFunction; }; #pragma __member_alignment __restore /***********************/ /* function prototypes */ /***********************/ DirAccessOk (REQUEST_STRUCT*); DirAuthorizationAst (REQUEST_STRUCT*); DirBegin (REQUEST_STRUCT*, REQUEST_AST, char*, char*, char*, BOOL); DirBeginDirectories (REQUEST_STRUCT*); DirBeginDirectoriesParseAst (REQUEST_STRUCT*); DirBeginFiles (REQUEST_STRUCT*); DirBeginFilesParseAst (REQUEST_STRUCT*); DirDirectString (REQUEST_STRUCT*, char*); DirDirectories (REQUEST_STRUCT*); DirDirectoriesAccessOkAst (REQUEST_STRUCT*); DirEnd (REQUEST_STRUCT*); DirEndDescription (REQUEST_STRUCT*); DirEndOutput (REQUEST_STRUCT*); DirFiles (REQUEST_STRUCT*); DirFilePart (REQUEST_STRUCT*); DirFormat (REQUEST_STRUCT*, REQUEST_AST, char*, BOOL); DirFormatAcpInfoAst (REQUEST_STRUCT*); DirFormatLayout (REQUEST_STRUCT*); int DirFormatSize (uint64, char*, int, struct dsc$descriptor*); DirHeading (REQUEST_STRUCT*); int DirHttpHeader (REQUEST_STRUCT*); DirReadMe (REQUEST_STRUCT*, void(*NextTaskFunction)(REQUEST_STRUCT*)); int DirIndexOf (REQUEST_STRUCT*, char*, char*); DirReadMeTop (REQUEST_STRUCT*); DirReadMeBottom (REQUEST_STRUCT*); DirSearchDirectories (REQUEST_STRUCT*); DirSearchFiles (REQUEST_STRUCT*); BOOL DirTheseFiles (REQUEST_STRUCT*); char* DirTitleInteger (REQUEST_STRUCT*); int DirWwwWasd (REQUEST_STRUCT*); #endif /* DIR_H_LOADED */ /*****************************************************************************/