/*****************************************************************************/ /* cache.h */ /*****************************************************************************/ #ifndef CACHE_H_LOADED #define CACHE_H_LOADED 1 #include "wasd.h" #include "file.h" /* number of bytes in each chunk of cache memory */ #define CACHE_CHUNK_SIZE 256 #define CACHE_CONTENT_TYPE_SIZE 64 #define CACHE_EXPIRES_NONE 0xffffffff #define CACHE_EXPIRES_DAY 0xfffffffe #define CACHE_EXPIRES_HOUR 0xfffffffd #define CACHE_EXPIRES_MINUTE 0xfffffffc /* any other value will be considered literal seconds */ /**************/ /* structures */ /**************/ #pragma member_alignment __save #pragma member_alignment typedef struct CacheStruct FILE_CENTRY; struct CacheStruct { LIST_ENTRY CacheListEntry; struct CacheStruct *HashCollisionNextPtr, *HashCollisionPrevPtr; BOOL /* cache data is currently being loaded */ DataLoading, /* is a permanent entry */ EntryPermanent, /* cache entry has been invalidated to reclaim memory */ EntryReclaimed, /* cache data is currently being revalidated */ EntryRevalidating, /* data in cache is valid and can be use for requests */ EntryValid, /* loaded via FILE module */ FromFile, /* loaded via NET module */ FromNet, /* loaded via CGI module */ FromScript, /* remove allocated data buffer as soon as not in use */ Purge, /* also remove cache entry */ PurgeCompletely; int /* some portion of the CGI header is contained in the cache */ CgiHeaderLength, /* analogue to 'rqPathSet.CacheExpiresAfter' */ ExpiresAfterPeriod, /* expires on the change of day, hour or minute */ ExpiresAfterTime, /* server-tick second when the content expires */ ExpiresTickSecond, /* server-tick second where it is still considered recent */ FrequentTickSecond, /* the last guard period set against this entry */ GuardSeconds, /* server-tick second when gaurd period expires */ GuardTickSecond; unsigned short /* file protection bitmap */ Protection, /* file ownership UIC group number */ UicGroup, /* file ownership UIC member number */ UicMember; unsigned long /* length of data (file contents) at 'ContentPtr' */ ContentLength, /* virtual block number of end-of-file */ EndOfFileVbn, /* size of the block pointed to by 'ContentPtr' */ EntrySize, /* first free byte in end-of-file VBN */ FirstFreeByte, /* length of GZIP deflated data at 'GzipContentPtr' */ GzipContentLength, /* size of the block pointed to by 'ContentPtr' */ GzipEntrySize, /* number of times cache used */ HitCount, /* number of times cache hit but file unmodified */ HitNotModifiedCount, /* cache entry is in use and should not be modified */ InUseCount, /* seconds time when last loaded */ LoadSeconds, /* number of times the entry has been validated */ ValidatedCount; int64 /* creation quadword */ CdtTime64, /* last hit quadword */ HitTime64, /* when cache data loaded quadword */ LoadTime64, /* last modified quadword */ RdtTime64, /* last validated quadword */ ValidateTime64; char /* points to entry contents */ *ContentPtr, /* points to the GZIP deflated content */ *GzipContentPtr; char /* HTTP/1.1 entity tag */ EntityTag [CACHE_ENTITY_MAX+1], /* entry's MIME content type */ ContentType [CACHE_CONTENT_TYPE_SIZE]; /* MD5 hash of cached resource (can be path, can be file name) */ MD5_HASH Md5Hash; ODS_STRUCT FileOds; /* used to buffer the function address of the content handler */ REQUEST_AST ContentHandlerFunction; }; #pragma member_alignment __restore /***********************/ /* function prototypes */ /***********************/ void CacheAcpInfoAst (REQUEST_STRUCT*); int CacheBegin (REQUEST_STRUCT*); void CacheEnd (REQUEST_STRUCT*); void CacheInit (); BOOL CacheLoadBegin (REQUEST_STRUCT*, int, char*); int CacheLoadData (REQUEST_STRUCT*, char*, int); BOOL CacheLoadResponse (REQUEST_STRUCT*); void CacheLoadEnd (REQUEST_STRUCT*); int CacheSearch (REQUEST_STRUCT*); void CacheNext (REQUEST_STRUCT*); void CachePurge (BOOL, int*, int*); void CacheRemoveEntry (FILE_CENTRY*, BOOL); void CacheReport (REQUEST_STRUCT*, BOOL); void CacheReportEntry (REQUEST_STRUCT*, char*); void CacheZeroCounters (); #endif /* CACHE_H_LOADED */ /*****************************************************************************/