/*****************************************************************************/ /* body.h */ /*****************************************************************************/ #ifndef BODY_H_LOADED #define BODY_H_LOADED 1 #include "wasd.h" /**********/ /* macros */ /**********/ #define BODY_PROCESSED_AS_NONE 0 #define BODY_PROCESSED_AS_TEXT 1 #define BODY_PROCESSED_AS_OTHER 2 #define BODY_PROCESSED_AS_VIRTUALBLOCK 3 #define BODY_PROCESSED_AS_URLENCODED 4 #define BODY_PROCESSED_AS_MULTIPART_FORMDATA 5 #define BODY_PROCESSED_AS_CHUNKED 6 #define CHUNK_STATE_BEGIN 0 /* uninitialized */ #define CHUNK_STATE_SIZE 1 /* getting the chunk size from hex string */ #define CHUNK_STATE_EOL 2 /* finding the CR-LF trailing hex string */ #define CHUNK_STATE_DATA 3 /* processing the chunk data */ #define CHUNK_STATE_EOD 4 /* finding the CR-LF trailing the data */ #define CHUNK_STATE_TRAILER 5 /* end of chunks, processing the trailer */ #define CHUNK_STATE_END 6 /* end of chunks and trailer */ /**************/ /* structures */ /**************/ typedef struct BodyProcessStruct BODY_PROCESS; struct BodyProcessStruct { BOOL /* document posted is URL-encoded */ ContentTypeUrlEncoded, /* form field CDATA contains '^' substituted for LFs */ UrlEncodedHiddenLF, /* delete file after it's been transfered */ PreviewOnly, /* currently processing a hex-encoded field value */ UrlEncodedFieldHexEncoded, /* the current field name has reserved usage */ UrlEncodedFieldNameReserved; int /* count of bytes in buffer used for block I/O */ BlockBufferCount, /* size in bytes of buffer used for block I/O */ BlockBufferSize, /* contains the VMS status of the contents of the block buffer */ BlockBufferStatus, /* number of the leading 512 byte block */ BlockBufferVBN, /* bytes of data beyond the last whole virtual block */ BlockLeftOverCount, /* position in 'BoundaryBuffer' */ BoundaryIdx, /* final count of characters in buffered MIME header */ MimeHeaderCount, /* when buffering the MIME header */ MimeHeaderIdx, /* RMS multiblock count value */ MultiBlockCount, /* length of MIME boundary used to delimit mixed subparts in buffer */ MultipartBoundaryLength, /* current number of bytes in multipart field being buffered to */ MultipartFormDataCount, /* keep track of 'form-data; name="name" filename=\"..\"' */ MultipartFormDataFileNameCount, /* size of current multipart field being buffered to */ MultipartFormDataSize, /* position in 'HexDecode' */ UrlDecodeIdx, /* position in 'UrlDecode' */ HexDecodeIdx, /* progressive number of bytes processed and passed on */ ProcessedByteCount, /* FAB record attributes supplied with file body */ UrlEncodedFabRat, /* FAB record format supplied with file body */ UrlEncodedFabRfm, /* current length of field name while processing URL-encoded file */ UrlEncodedFieldNameCount, /* size of field name while processing URL-encoded file */ UrlEncodedFieldNameSize, /* current length of field value while processing URL-encoded file */ UrlEncodedFieldValueCount, /* size of field value while processing URL-encoded file */ UrlEncodedFieldValueSize; char /* points to the start of buffer used for block I/O */ *BlockBufferPtr, /* points to data beyond the last whole virtual block */ *BlockLeftOverPtr, /* multipart content-type */ *MultipartContentTypePtr, /* pointer to start of multipart field being buffered to */ *MultipartFormDataPtr, /* pointer to next character of multipart field being buffered to */ *MultipartFormDataCurrentPtr; char /* multipart boundary string */ BoundaryBuffer [96], /* should be "ascii" or "binary" */ FtpFileType [8], /* buffers when hex-encode decoding between reads */ HexDecode [2], /* buffer the MIME part header */ MimeHeaderBuffer [1024], /* multipart boundary string (from content-type) */ MultipartBoundary [96], /* buffer the 'form-data; name="uploadfilename"' data */ MultipartUploadFileName [96], /* buffer the 'form-data; filename=".."' data */ MultipartFileName [96], /* used to buffer the 'form-data; name="success"' data */ MultipartSuccessUrl [256], /* buffer a string providing file protection */ ProtectionHexString [8], /* buffer URL-encoded character */ UrlDecode [4], /* store field name while processing URL-encoded file */ UrlEncodedFieldName [256], /* store field value while processing URL-encoded file */ UrlEncodedFieldValue [256]; }; /***********************/ /* function prototypes */ /***********************/ void BodyBufferAllocate (REQUEST_STRUCT*); void BodyBufferEndOfFile (REQUEST_STRUCT*); void BodyBufferWrite (REQUEST_STRUCT*); BOOL BodyContentGzip (REQUEST_STRUCT*); int BodyGetMimeBoundary (REQUEST_STRUCT*); void BodyProcessByVirtualBlock (REQUEST_STRUCT*); void BodyProcessMultipartFormData (REQUEST_STRUCT*); int BodyProcessMultipartMimeHeader (REQUEST_STRUCT*); void BodyProcessReadAll (REQUEST_STRUCT*); void BodyProcessUrlEncoded (REQUEST_STRUCT*); void BodyRead (REQUEST_STRUCT*); void BodyReadAst (REQUEST_STRUCT*); void BodyReadBegin (REQUEST_STRUCT*, REQUEST_AST, REQUEST_AST); void BodyReadProcess (REQUEST_STRUCT*); BOOL BodyReadUnEncode (REQUEST_STRUCT*); void BodyTransferChunked (REQUEST_STRUCT*); int BodyTransferChunkedTrailer (REQUEST_STRUCT*, char*, int); #endif /* BODY_H_LOADED */ /*****************************************************************************/