System Management in Control
Certo Certius
Sure-Handed Management
Time control
Explanation time control overview:
OpenVMS server.
Time as now displayed on the OpenVMS server.
Time difference with UTC  
Difference between OpenVMS time and UTC (Coordinated Universal Time).
Time zone
Time zone set. Determines the difference between UTC and local time.
NTP active
Is NTP (Network Timing Protocol) active on this OpenVMS server.
NTP is organized hierarchically, where the computer with the most accurate time source identified as "stratum 1". The computer systems that collect the time via NTP are by definition "stratum 2", etc.
The difference between OpenVMS time and the time on the NTP server.
Time server
The address of the active time server.
A pool of servers is often set as time server, for example:
NTP searches within this pool for the best time server at that moment. This provides good redundancy.