SMiC keeps track of all changes made with the use of the web interface.

Each logging has a log level. If the log level of the change is greater than the level set here, the change is not written in the log file.

The log level is a number between 0 and 9.


Log level set is 4.
If the logging has a log level of 0-4 then it is written in the logfile, the log level of the logging is higher than 4, then this logging is not written in the logfile.

By choosing the log level here low, lower than 3, less logging is possible, and the log file will remain smaller.

At the moment logging is written with a log level of 1,2 or 3.

With a setting of 4 or higher, all logging is written into the log file.

Various SMiC settings
Logging level
System Management in Control
Certo Certius
more surely than sure