What is new in version 3.0.0?

Default settings can be set per server.

The mail messages provide more information about the method used.

What is new in version 2.9.2?

The colors used by the web interface can be set by selecting one of the pre-defined color schemes. Now it possible to create your own color scheme, by selection three colors.

  1. The "light" background color.
  2. The "dark" background color.
  3. The text color.

A SMiC user is fully free to select the color to be used by the web interface in the account setting.

To quickly distinguish between messages from multiple nodes, a color scheme can be set per node.

What is new in version 2.9.1?

What is new in version 2.9?

- Disk
- Tape
- Virtual tape (if present use AVT Tapemgr)

What is new in version 2.8?

What is new in version 2.7?

SMiC, System Management in Control

Release Notes