What is new in version 2.9.2?

The colors used by the web interface can be set by selecting one of the pre-defined color schemes. Now it possible to create your own color scheme, by selection three colors.

  1. The "light" background color.
  2. The "dark" background color.
  3. The text color.

A SMiC user is fully free to select the color to be used by the web interface in the account setting.

To quickly distinguish between messages from multiple nodes, a color scheme can be set per node.

What is new in version 2.9.1?

What is new in version 2.9?
- Disk
- Tape
- Virtual tape (if present use AVT Tapemgr)

What is new in version 2.8?

What is new in version 2.7?

SMiC, System Management in Control

Release Notes