$! Version: V1.0 $! Name: xti_example.com $! Location: sys$examples: $! $! ABSTRACT: $! $! This file builds the XTI example programs in sys$examples, the $! example files are: $! $! 1) Library files: $! a) subx.c $! b) xtiutil.c $! 2) cx - client.c $! 3) sx - server.c $! $! USAGE: $! cx nodename connect data $! $! The node name must be in the file nsaps.dat in $! sys$examples. The format is nodename/nsap.dat. Please $! see nsaps.dat for an example. $! $! Note: if you are using vaxc only, replace cc/decc with cc $! and change the link library to $! sys$share:vaxcrtl.exe/share from $! sys$share:decc$shr.exe/share $! $! ENVIRONMENT: $! VMS 6.1 $! $! $! compile switch $! $ $ cc = "cc/decc/nooptimize/standard=vaxc/def=vms" ! $! cc = "cc/def=vms ! vaxc only $! $! compile the library files $! $ cc subx.c $ cc xtiutil.c $! $! create the object library $! $ library/create xtiu subx,xtiutil $! $! compile server $! $ cc sx.c $! $! compile client $! $ cc cx.c $! $! link the client and server examples $! $ $ link cx + xtiu/library + sys$input/options sys$share:xti$xtilib.exe/share sys$share:decc$shr.exe/share $! $ link sx + xtiu/library + sys$input/options sys$share:xti$xtilib.exe/share sys$share:decc$shr.exe/share $! $! define the client and service are foreign commands $! $ loc = f$environment("default") $ cx == "$" + "''loc'" + "cx" $ sx == "$" + "''loc'" + "sx" $! $ exit