HOW TO SET UP SAMPLE PPP CALLBACK AND VCM IMAGES This file describes how to build and enable sample Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP) callback and VMS Communications Module (VCM) images you can use to test the OpenVMS Point-to-Point Protocol utility (PPPD). Once compiled, linked, and fully configured, these sample images handle initial PPP host negotiations until a stable connection with a PPP client is achieved. The OpenVMS PPP host then simulates an active IP network connection by reflecting any packets sent successfully through the serial port. NOTE These images are intended for testing purposes only and do not support a complete network connection. Your TCP/IP vendor will supply the actual callback image, VCM image, and network registration information that enables a full IP network connection. Description of the privileged interfaces used in these example images is documented in the files [.DOC]PPP_INTERFACES.*. STEPS Follow these steps to set up sample PPP callback and VCM images on an OpenVMS Alpha system: 1. Use the following command procedures to build the PPP callback and VCM images, as well as the image that loads the VCM into memory as an execlet: ___________________________________________________________ Command Procedure[1] Image ___________________________________________________________ BUILD_PPPD_CALLBACK.COM PPPD_CALLBACK.EXE BUILD_IP_VCM.COM IP_VCM.EXE BUILD_LOAD_IP_VCM.COM LOAD_IP_VCM.EXE ___________________________________________________________ [1] These command procedures require the Digital C compiler. This compiler must be present on the system where you plan to build the images. ___________________________________________________________ These procedures, provided by Digital, create the object library (IP_VCM.OLB) and all the files needed to create the images. You can delete the object library once the VCM image is successfully built. 2. Invoke the OpenVMS System Management utility (SYSMAN), and do the following: o To ensure the proper environment for the device drivers, enable virtual terminals for any transient PPP sessions (those started after logging into a serial port). o Install the asynchronous and PPP device drivers. You can perform these tasks together as follows: $ SET PROCESS/PRIVILEGE=(SYSNAM,SYSLCK,CMKRNL,OPER) $ MCR SYSMAN SYSMAN> IO CONNECT VTA0 /NOADAPTER /DRIVER=SYS$TTDRIVER.EXE SYSMAN> IO CONNECT ASN0 /NOADAPTER /DRIVER=SYS$ASNDRIVER.EXE SYSMAN> IO CONNECT PPP0 /NOADAPTER /DRIVER=SYS$PPPDRIVER.EXE SYSMAN> EXIT 3. Copy the VCM image to the system area and load it into memory as follows: $ SET PROCESS/PRIVILEGE=(SYSPRV,CMKRNL) $ COPY/LOG IP_VCM.EXE SYS$LOADABLE_IMAGES: $ RUN LOAD_IP_VCM.EXE 4. Register the PPP callback image with OpenVMS as follows: $ SET PROCESS/PRIVILEGE=SYSNAM $ @IPCP_REGISTER If the PPP callback image is not in the SYS$SHARE directory, enter the following: $ SET PROCESS/PRIVILEGE=SYSNAM $ DEFINE/SYSTEM/EXEC PPPD_CALLBACK device:[directory]PPPD_CALLBACK 5. Install the PPPD_CALLBACK image. $ SET PROCESS/PRIVILEGE=(SYSPRV,CMKRNL) $ INSTALL ADD PPPD_CALLBACK 6. Set each serial port that you want to use for PPP sessions to no parity as follows: $ SET PROCESS/PRIVILEGE=PHY_IO $ SET TERMINAL/NOPARITY/PERMANENT port-name: Note that this is the default setting for OpenVMS. EXAMPLES The following examples show how you can now use the Point-to-Point Protocol utility (PPPD) on OpenVMS Alpha to start a test PPP session through a serial port. o $ PPPD SET/PERMANENT/NETWORK=TCPIP-DEMO serial-port-name: This command prepares a serial port to function as a per- manent PPP connection. Permanent PPP connections over console port devices (such as OPA0:) are not supported. o $ PPPD SET/NETWORK=TCPIP-DEMO TT: This command creates a transient session by converting the current interactive terminal session to a PPP session. The current login process is deleted, and the serial port is made available for the PPP client to start the initializa- tion process. Transient PPP connections are only supported on virtual terminals.