$ goto start $! $! This command procedure is an example of using the DCL lexical functions $! that return CPU and partition information. $! $ start: $ say :== "write sys$output" $! $! get system type $ say "" $ say f$getsyi("hw_name") $! $! get QBBs in system $ qbbs = f$getsyi("hp_config_sbb_cnt") $! $! get configured soft partitions $ csp = f$getsyi("hp_config_sp_cnt") $! $! get active soft partitions $ asp = f$getsyi("hp_active_sp_cnt") $! $! get active CPUs in hard partition $ hpcpus = f$getsyi("hp_active_cpu_cnt") $! $! get active CPUs in this soft partitions $ spcpus = f$getsyi("activecpu_cnt") $! $! get Galaxy license units $ pipe show license/us/ful openvms-galaxy | search sys$input - "units loaded" | (read sys$input line ; units = f$element - (2," ",f$edit(line,"trim,compress")) ; define/job glx$$license_units &units) $! $ units = f$trnlnm("glx$$license_units", "lnm$job") $ if (units .le. 0) .or. (units .gt. 6400) then units = 0 $ say "" $ say qbbs, " QBBs in this Hard Partition" $ say csp, " Configured Soft Partitions in this Hard Partition" $ say asp, " Active Soft Partitions in this Hard Partition" $ say hpcpus, " Active CPUs in this Hard Partition" $ say spcpus, " Active CPUs in this Soft Partition" $ say units, " Galaxy license units loaded for this Soft Partition" $ say "" $ deassign/job glx$$license_units $ exit