XDISP - An extended X-windows display configuration utility for OpenVMS. Copyright (C) 2018,2020 avtware Some applications have hard-coded assumptions about setting up a display device on OpenVMS. This may not always work in a virtual environment where we have explicit requirements, like redirecting the display to a server located on the network. For this the 'set display' command has been modified to allow the setup of default settings that can be protected as well, thereby dictating the required parameters to an application. The following switches have been added to the 'set display' command: /DEFAULT This will alter the default settings. /PROTECT=[NODE,TRANSPORT,SERVER,SCREEN,MODE] This will force the created display device to use the parameters that have been setup as the default. If no keyword has been specified then all fields are protected. Specifying one or more keywords will protect the respective field. To clear a field's protection specify /NOPROT=NODE (for example to reset the node field protection). The following switch has been added to the 'show display' command: /DEFAULT This will show the default settings. An application may setup the default display like this: $ show display Device: WSA1: [super] Node: 0 Transport: LOCAL Server: 0 Screen: 0 An application that is forcing the display to a local display server makes it impossible to reach the desired display. For this we can setup the default characteristics of the display device like this: $ set display/default/transport=tcpip/node= $ show display/default Device: WSA0: [user] Node: Transport: TCPIP Server: 0 Screen: 0 Protected: node,transport,server,screen,mode If we create a display after that we will force our parameters to the display device: $ set display/create/transport=local/server=1 $ show display Device: WSA5: [user] Node: Transport: TCPIP Server: 0 Screen: 0 Protected: node,transport,server,screen,mode You can see that the parameters at display creation time are ignored because the unit is protected. If the parameters need to be changed we first have to unprotect the display: $ set display/noprotect $ set display/node= $ show display Device: WSA5: [user] Node: Transport: TCPIP Server: 0 Screen: 0 Protected: no Protecting the transport and yet allow setting of the nodename can be done this way: $ set display/create/protect=transport/node= $ show display Device: WSA5: [user] Node: Transport: TCPIP Server: 0 Screen: 0 Protected: transport The defaults will also work if an application is directly talking to the display device since the parameters are enforced on device driver level. This PCSI kit is supported on VAX/VMS V6.2 and up, as well as OpenVMS Alpha V6.2 and up. The VSI Alpha VMS versions are supported as well. VAX V5.5* versions need to install XDISP012.A with vmsinstal. It is mandatory to install the VMS62TO71_PCSI kit before installation on VMS V6.2 or V7.1 If there are issues or questions then please send an email to support@avtware.com