EDT Version V04-000 VT52 Keypad +--------+--------+--------+--------+ | | | Del L | Up | | Gold | Help | | | | | | Und L | Replace| +--------+--------+--------+--------+ | Page | Fndnxt | Del W | Down | | | | | | | Command| Find | Und W | Sect | +--------+--------+--------+--------+ | Advance| Backup | Del C | Right | | | | | | | Bottom | Top | Und C | Specins| +--------+--------+--------+--------+ | Word | Eol | Cut | Left | | | | | | |Chngcase| Del Eol| Paste | Append | +--------+--------+--------+--------+ | Line | Select | Enter | | | | | | Open Line | Reset | Subs | +-----------------+--------+--------+ Backspace Go to beginning of line Delete Delete character Linefeed Delete to start of word CTRL/A Compute tab level CTRL/D Decrease tab level CTRL/E Increase tab level CTRL/F Fill text CTRL/K Define key CTRL/T Adjust tabs CTRL/U Delete to start of line CTRL/W Refresh screen CTRL/Z Return to line mode