SYS$ECOAPP is a system loadable module which can help to enable power saving in the case that OpenVMS Alpha is running the vtAlpha emulator. If the system on which this module is running does not support powersaving then an error will be issued when loading the module. The modules's presence is harmless in that case. In VMS V8.3 and higher the powermanagement will only be used if the system parameter CPU_POWER_MGMT is set to one, which will automatically be done by this utility as the default is zero (disabled). Version V2.1 will install on OpenVMS Alpha V7.3-2 and higher, and will also install on the VSI OpenVMS versions. The module is controlled from DCL with the ECOAPP command. See HELP ECOAPP for more info. New in V2.1: added suspend and resume commands. New in V2.2: added capability to show the vms load average in the emulator (this functionality needs at least vtAlpha V4.4). New in V2.3: add STATISTICS/LOAD command for scripting. Fixed a possible overflow in idle percentage calculation. Notice that in VMS Versions V7.3-2 and V8.2 on a system with more than 4 cpu's (GS systems) the system must be rebooted before ecoapp is fully functional. This is a VMS limitation. Info/questions/issues: